Thursday, June 23, 2022


 Book bombs: Trump aide tell-alls fail to sell: Mark Meadows/” The Chief’s Chief, (which should have been titled THE THEIVES THEIF), sold 21,569

“The Chief’s Chief” Memoir of Deborah Birx, the Covid response coordinator under Trump, has sold fewer than 6,000 copies; Dr. Scott Atlas’ book sold 27,013 copies; Dr. Ben Carson’s book sold 21,786 copies; counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway has sold 42,273 books since it was published in late May, and former defense secretary Mark Esper sold 20,900 books. Former attorney general Bill Barr sold 64,103 books (POLITICO)


It seems the same crowd of Con Artists all cleaning Trump’s entrails during his SNAKE OIL ADMINISTRATION, figured that making even more money from a GULLIBLE, and CONSPIRACIES contagious gaggle of GOONS, would be EASY-PEAZY, after all, four years of LIES, believed as THE GOD-GIVEN TRUTH, by the unintelligent could and should benefit these SHYSTER COURT JESTERS OF TRUMPLANDIA. Some of these SLEAZY TREASON-loving TRAITORS were certain that the same dopes who considered TRUMP a DIVINE INTERVENTION by some cock-eyed GOD, would RELISH and DEVOUR BOOKS about how anyone NOT TRUMP was evil, and EVERYBODY who loved and adored TRUMP the victim. (Oh yeah and for some of these CRIMINAL INTENDED douchebags; a few MIA CULPA’s were thrown in to perhaps THWART any misconception that THEY helped perpetrate SEDITIOUS acts against the US CONSTITUTION.


For the TRUMP DUMPSTERS, many, unless they stop hiding behind their 5th Amendment privilege of keeping THEIR LIES HIDDEN, will pretend that EVERYTHING they did was for DEMOCRACY, hoping that suddenly their TELL-ALL BOOKS, which actually TELL-NOTHING will demonstrate some kind of bizarro world PATRIOTISM. I believe that the market of MAGA these AUTHORS were hoping would buy these books forgot that a MAJORITY can not read or think that anything that looks like a BOOK, must be a LIBERAL scheme to RECRUIT! AND that the rest of AMERICANS know that no matter how you sell it, SHIT STINKS!