Wednesday, June 22, 2022

On This Day

  On the same day: This nation discovers even more dangerous attempts at overthrowing a fair election by TRUMP and his cadre of TREASONIST warriors. Yet voters in primaries continue to vote for candidates supported by the INSURECTIONIST AND CHIEF, TRUMP! More and more the hidden knowledge of just how much of an enemy of the state, TRUMP, and his compadres of seditious have been and continue to be, YET the silence from the majority of currently serving in office Republican Politicians is DEAFENING!

Now a sitting Senator, Ron Johnson has been accused of trying to OVERTHROW our government, trying to provide knowingly FALSE information in an attempt to disregard Democracy, and from the Republican Party which enjoys establishing WITCH HUNTS toward the innocent, we hear crickets regarding any sane and sensible INQUIRY or ATTEMPT to at least Censure this man. And on the same week as we heard testimony after testimony about TRUMPS' enjoyment encouraging his DOMESTIC TERRORISTS to either take the life of PENCE or harm the life of PENCE, this weak-spined, whiney COWARD, dedicated to his own self-preservation rather than this nation, makes the statement that Joe Biden is the President who has lied the most to the American people!


We are told by Texas Republicans that if you were a Vet but believed that TRUMP was out to destroy America, YOU, SIR, are the problem and YOUR SIR Patriotism is in question! The same group of Texas Republicans now pontificate on the LGBTQ community insisting that homosexuality is an abomination, all the while overlooking INCEST, MURDER I in classrooms, and of course support for TRUMP and his ongoing COUP!


I believe this nation is in the midst of a Civil War. I believe that even with the facts, the truth of all of the events from the DAYS OF TRUMP spewing outwards like the toxic spill from the rusted pipe of a Nuclear Power Plant gone bad, and THAT INDEED, the amount of support for TRUMP, not decreasing, PRECARIOUSLY demonstrates a divide in this nation pitting HONOR/LIBERTY/FREEDOM and JUSTICE against BIGOTRY/BIAS and HATE. And so far, I DO NOT see any victory for GOOD in the foreseeable future.