Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Rule By Decree

 RULE BY DECREE is a style of governance allowing quick, unchallenged promulgation of law by a single person or group. It allows the ruler to make or change laws without legislative approval. The worst of the worse have done so from HITLER/MUSSOLINI/STALIN/KIN JONG-IL/KIM JOMG-UN/CASTRO/PUTIN and very recently TRUMP attempted to join this PATHETIC CLUB, with the assistance of quite too many GOP POLITICIANS serving in CONGRESS!


RULE BY DECREE is a FASCIST SMOGESBOARD of NASTY DICTATORSHIP, disguised as NATIONIALISTIC PRIDE. RULE BY DECREE permits the LEADER to be the LAW, and for the LEADER to decide who breaks the LAW, and who must either be arrested or maybe just DISAPPEAR!


Guys like Mike Flynn URGED TRUMP to RULE BY DECREE once the HONEST AND LEGAL ELECTION demonstrated that TRUMP lost. Flynn, it seemed was a FASCIST, wearing the uniform of the US Armed Services, but who hated Democracy! For those who still think FASCISM is so OLD SCHOOL 1930s, here is a definition for you…Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy that rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The HYPOCRITICAL thingie is that the GOP rallies against a group that does not exist identifying them as ANTI-FASCISTS. Think about that, somehow ANTI-FASCISTS are bad for America!


RULE BY DECREE, if you need a current example, is happening in the FASCIST STATE of FLORIDA. There is a LEADER, Dr. Death DeSantis, he becomes the LAW. He, with the permission of a Republican Majority in that Banana Republic’s Legislature, has banned saying Gay, banned any private organization for requiring masks, banned books, and has banned free speech if it speaks against anything the LEADER/DESANTIS does not believe in. 


If you are not a WHITE HETEROSEXUAL CHRISTIAN MALE or maybe married a WHITE HETEROSEXUAL CHRISTIAN FEMALE related to a WHITE HETEROSEXUAL CHRISTIAN MALE, when FASCISM is in your neighborhood, YOU SHOULD WORRY A LOT. That means JEWS/MUSLIMS/NON-CHRISTIANS, even some of you POPE LOVING CATHOLICS/PEOPLE OF ANY COLOR BUT PURE WHITE/anyone one the spectrum of LGBTQ/speaking of spectrums, SPECIAL NEEDS/…THE LIST will go on and on because when THE LEADER OF A FASCIST DICTATORSHIP decides who is THE OTHER, ANYONE should worry! Don’t believe this then WHILE YOU CAN, read any history book!