Wednesday, June 29, 2022

W-T-F and H

 Today’s blog is presented by the letters W-T-F, and the letter H. 

What The Fuck happened on January 6th? Why The Fuck are we still reeling from the one day in current history that could have changed the course of this nation's path forward, and actually still may change our democracy forever? When The Fuck will the Republicans admit that the one man they so embrace is nothing but a full-fledged TRAITOR and ENEMY of the STATE? And How The Fuck are we ever going to make certain no person or persons, let me shout that one out again NO PERSON OR PERSONS can ever have the ability or power to do that again?


To imagine that the PRESIDENT of the United States had coalesced a clandestine bunch of Comrades to plan a COUP is hard enough to fathom. To imagine that an inner circle of men and women sworn to uphold the law of the land as ATTORNEYS, to imagine sitting members of the US CONGRESS, who create laws of the land, to imagine that Federal Civil Servants are sworn to serve and protect; ALL decided that THEIR plan for America was to install a DICTATOR, ending Democracy for AUTHROTITARIANSIM SHOULD AND COULD AND DOES make ANYONE SHUDDER.


BUT, yet, as the FACTS mount up and add up, the Criminal and Treasonous parade of TRUMP Enablers surpasses anyone’s conceivable idea of just how many Insurrectionists and Seditious Players had access to the Oval Office; very few if anyone NOW identifying as a REPUBLICAN have expressed any identifiable amount of concern for the welfare of this nation. Rather the silence of disgust seems better achieved to salvage their own professional futures, by AIDING AND ABETTING TRUMP!


And even more of a WHAT THE FUCK, WHY THE FUCK AND HOW THE FUCK…are the numbers of people, in spite of the real demise of Democracy, who insist TRUMP is good for America!