Friday, June 17, 2022


 Mike Pence did the right thing on Jan. 6. That doesn't make him a hero.

Pence had plenty of time before Jan. 6 to come out against Trump's election fraud lies. (MSNBC)


Watching the January 6 Hearings I become, once again, violently ill, knowing how close, THEN, MY COUNTRY came to dissolving into an AUTHORITARIAN REGIME, the likes of North Korea, China, Venezuela, or Russia. But as I watch the Hearings, I find NO relief in thinking that “WOW THAT WAS A CLOSE ONE, SO GLAD THAT IS BEHIND US!” Instead, I feel like Sisyphus who is punished in the underworld by the god Zeus, who forces him to roll a boulder up a hill for eternity. Every time he nears the top of the hill, the boulder rolls back down. Seeing the light of day does not make this VAMPIRE immediately combust into flames, because somehow this VAMPIRE has discovered a secret to remain alive and aloof!


Now, more is revealed about MRS. PENCE'S husband, MIKEY’S, tendency to be a kiss-ass, and to seemingly do, in the end, what is better for MIKEY, than the rest of us. Sure, MIKEY did not adhere to the TREASONOUS choice presented to him by TRUMP, but CERTAINLY, it was not just January 6 from which TRUMP diverted from Democracy preferring a Dictatorship there had been a PLETHORA of anti-American actions which good ole’ MIKEY had known about and CONDONED!


And when it came time to IMPEACH TRUMP, MIKEY was 100% on Team Trump. And even after the SEDITIOUS maneuvers, all instituted by TRUMP, MIKEY still followed his Ventriloquist, only deciding to speak SOFTLY because MIKEY was considering a run for President. And where oh where is MIKEY, boldly speaking out about the near-death of DEMOCRACY, and even his own life…MISSING IN ACTION! So, NO, MIKEY you ain’t NOBODY'S HERO!