Thursday, June 16, 2022


 The Republican Senators must have a secret pact which states who can be the DUMB AS SHIT PERSON of the DAY. This is not being SNARKY, this is just a statement by me, referring to the STATEMENTS provided by way too many GOP Senators, disregarding common sense, facts for conspiracy theories and fiction.

The latest in the PARADE OF THE PATHETIC, is Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee. Sen. Marsha Blackburn has been known to embrace some odd conspiracy theories, but late last week, the Tennessee Republican broke some new ground. Blackburn released a video claiming, in all seriousness, that high gas prices are the result of a deliberate Democratic scheme.

“Well, the Democrats have been trying to get $5-a-gallon gas for well over a decade — and it looks like they have now hit their target,” the senator insisted. “They feel like this helps them, moving to all electric vehicles, forcing you out of a gas-powered vehicle and into an electric vehicle.” (MSNBC)


Normally ONE (other than those who voted for MARSHA, MARSHA, MARSHA in the first place) would GAFAW, GAWFAW again and again, and maybe say WHAT AN IDIOT! But with the culmination of REPUBLICAN SENATORS, claiming that PLANES NEVER STOPPED FLYING after 9/11 making that comparison to YET ONE MORE MASS MURDER BY GUN…Not a one GOP Senator voting for an ANTI-GOUGING BILL, and of course the overwhelming support of TRUMP even after his January 6 attempted overthrow of our government…MARSHA BLACKBURN’S insistence that DEMS and ELECTRIC CARS are the real villains for outrageous gas pricing!


I wish I could just write this latest bit of a very mentally ill Senator off as a just pure BS, but MARSHA who once might have been just the top of an oddly floating ICE BERG, is really the part of the underbelly of the ICEBERG that causes the most damage!