Monday, June 20, 2022

Money made

 The bigotry and bias may remain the same for the Republicans, but if YOU happen to be a Puppet Master with a lot of money somehow the BIGOTRY and BIAS take a back seat to your PAYOFF! As the lyrics in Cabaret explain “…Money makes the world go round…” and for the moment when a large check is handed to you as a Politician, THRIVING ON BRIBES, your Homophobia, Anti-Semitism, and Xenophobia suddenly become hidden (REMEMBER those who HATE or happen to be a PHONY never stop being so). We currently have three examples of how RACIST attitudes remain hidden, as long as the money from the groups of people usually considered as THE OTHERS, flows in with the power of a TSUNAMI! 

“Don’t Say Gay,” unless you are receiving BRIBES from Peter Theil. Peter is the G in LBGTQ. Peter, it seems loves him some REPUBLICANS and has no problem with their anti-Gay stance and policies. I suppose HE supposes that CIVIL RIGHTS for the LGBTQ community are non-essential, or NOT AS ESSENTIAL as PROFIT, AUTHORITARIANISM, and CIVIL WAR. Peter has donated over $120 million for RIGHT-WING candidates and supported the COUP LOVING and SEDITION SETTING TRUMP. I have to wonder why and how some HOMOSEXUALS think that their lifestyle is somehow better than others because they have MONEY!


And then there was Sheldon Adelson and still is Bernie Marcus. Both Jews, and both TRUMP BOOSTERS and both providing TRUMP and his TREASONISTs with large sums of millions and millions of dollars. I suppose for them the Evangelical White Southern Baptist Christian Nationalists become irrelevant in their persistent rage against Jews, because like so many other wealthy Jews throughout history, somehow MONEY is like your own personal Teflon, and if you pay you automatically receive protection! 


There is ELON (I am better, bigger, and richer than you) MUSK. He suddenly is considered a CHOIR BOY, since he decided that HATE SPEECH and TREASONOUS speech, are fine and dandy. He of course is the KING of electric cars, and if you follow the likes of the bottom-of-the-barrel Republicans who think waving the Nazi or Confederate Flag makes you more Patriotic and driving only GASOLINE-POWERED CARS is a true Patriot…Musk might normally be considered a member of ANTIFA. But since Musk has somehow embraced the MAGA low life, his electric car THINGIE somehow does not matter. Again, MONEY speaks, and speaks and speaks!