Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Seemingly So

 The sheer convenience of PERSONAL BIAS, to explain fiction one uses as FACTS, seems to be the priority for the Republicans sitting on the SUPREME COURT these days.


Have you ever wondered how those REPUBLICAN appointed Supreme Court Justices, (mostly qualified for their jobs due to POLITICS) insist that they are ORIGINALISTS, you know like Mr. Ginni Thomas and Monsignor Alito, SEEM to never quite stick to the ORIGINALIST THINGY if it is NOT CONVENIENT? Seems that WHEN the 2nd Amendment was placed in the US Constitution, the arms believed to be made legal--- AS IN WELL ARMED MILITIA--- had no BULLETS. Bullets were fired from combustibles (paper/cloth) cartridges. They were already common when the 1847 Walker Colt was made… THUS, The American Revolutionary Soldiers used a variety of different weapons including muskets, pistols, rifles, long rifles, knives, bayonets, tomahawks, axes, swords, sabres, pole arms and cannon. The soldiers also carried the equipment needed to fight, such as shot molds, tinder lighters and cartridge boxes. (Colonial America)


So NO BULLETS/NO ASSAULT WEAPONS/and NO GHOST GUNS. Yet somehow as the progress of the MURDER INCORPORATION of AMERICA evolved (or am I thinking of devolved), and DEFINITELY moved away from a less immediate spree of blood bath preferring a quicker rat, tat, tat of  pain and agony, the SUPREMES, like Amy (men rule my world) Barrett, Brett (but I was drunk) Kavanaugh, and Neil ( I answer to no one) Gorsich) always like to insist that they knew what the Founding Fathers meant. These new methods for MURDER so much more harmful than the ORIGINALS, were not anywhere on the minds of the writers of the 2nd Amendment.


But then again neither was A CHURCH to be the LANDLORD of the STATE, but conveniently for the Christian Nationalists like Thomas/Alito/Barrett/Kavanaugh/Gorsuch, that ORIGIANLIST thinking is quickly forgotten. And the whole WOMAN as Chattel, well that still remains, a part of the ORIGINALITS, even though 246 years has happened, and WOMEN are free.


It ain’t about the CONSTITUTION, nope it IS about BIAS, BOGUS/BIGOTRY, and ah yes THEOLOGY!