Friday, June 17, 2022

Never as I do

 I’m not unsympathetic to the argument that Walker’s family life is a private matter. But as the Daily Beast’s original report noted, the problem is that Walker, who has no political record, has spent years making public condemnations “against fatherless households and deadbeat dads — specifically in the Black community.” (MSNBC) 

HERE we go AGAIN…A REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN pontificating about morals and values for anyone else, BUT conveniently overlooking HER or HIS own transgressions. How easy it is to be a Margie Taylor Trump, oops I mean Greene and woman-splain how LGBTQ folks are bad at marriages, bad at relationships, and bad at family---ALL THE WHILE having enjoyed three, count ‘em three affairs with other married HETEROSEXUAL MALES. (At least it is three we are aware of.) But when the Media reports on HER adulterous RELATIONSHIPS, we are told that HER PRIVATE LIFE, is not to be spoken about! DAMN GURL!


And then there is BOEBERT, one of those folks who needs just one name to be easily identified, not for fame but for her INFAMOUS reputation! Her HETEROSEXUAL Hubby has been arrested for show and tell regarding his MALE Plumbing to underaged girls. Yet, BOEBERT constantly screams about Transexuals and Drag Queens being the Devil in Living Color. BOEBERT also whines that HER life and her married life being bantered about is a LEFT-WING attack!


A day after The Daily Beast broke the news that Herschel Walker had a secret 10-year-old son he fathered out of wedlock, the football star-turned-politician confirmed late Wednesday night that he has yet another son with a different woman that the public doesn’t know about — as well as a daughter that he had in college. (MSNBC) So HERSHEL TRUMP, oops I mean Walker wants to sell himself as the FATHERS FATHER, THE MAN’S MAN, the leader for his LORD, when all he is, IS nothing but one more sleazy REPUBLICAN CAROETBAGGER!