Saturday, January 7, 2023

A New Eunuch

 Castration: the state of being deprived of power, vitality, or vigor. the removal of the testicles of a male animal or man. (Google Search)


History states that many of the Pharaohs of Egypt had Eunuchs. Eunuchs would usually be servants or slaves who had been castrated to make them less threatening servants of a royal court where physical access to the ruler could wield great influence. No one alive NOW had first-hand information regarding CASTRATION, but stories of Insecure Royalty and their desire to remain as the MACHOEST OF MEN has been handed down. To emasculate another Male somehow seems to have the “cool thing,” and the best way to maintain dominance.


I believe, humans living in the year 2023, have actually witnessed the FIRST SELF-CASTRATION in history performed by Kevin McCarthy, to Kevin McCarthy. KEVIE said, "I do want to especially thank President Trump," McCarthy told reporters early Saturday morning. "I don't think anybody should doubt his influence. He was with me from the beginning … he was all in." Unabashedly, KEVIE admitted that His Lord and Master, the guy who planned a Coup, led and Insurrection, had and has bank accounts in countries like Russia and China, was with him from the beginning. KEVIE, apparently, as I view it used the knife, Trump provided, ( Most likely a butter knife from Mar-A-Lago, dull and dirty) to first try and try and try to castrate himself, 15 times to be exact, and finally on the 15th time, in front of millions of Americans did the dirty deed to himself.


In America history does repeat itself. 2 years later the Insurrection by the Republican Party continues, and eons later a wanna-be Pharaoh has found his newest Eunuch!