Tuesday, January 3, 2023


 I WANT MY VOICE HEARD…as the SPEAKERSHIP debacle continues, it is not about  Kevin McCarthy as I view it, but a VERY REAL AND PRESENT DANGER TO DEMOCRACY AND THE AMERICAN PUBLIC.

Fuck McCarthy, this devious, traitor, playing Politics over the American People! Too bad he is suffering from the same wrath from Republican Politicians, which he so much ignored during the Trump Tyranny. Honestly, had he NO IDEA, that compromise, consensus, and compassion are not qualifications to be elected Republican! Too bad he is a victim of Hypocrisy, a whole agenda he embraced during the Trump Reign of Terror. Sadly as McCarthy receives a fair dose of the medicine he prescribed, it is the rest of America suffering the CONSEQUENCES, of INSURECTIONISTS and COUP supporters elected and RE-ELECTED to the House.

And a BIG FU, to the voters, pretending that during the past 4 years, the GOP represented anything but Fascism/Hate and Bigotry. 


We all, as Americans are NOW suffering the consequences and foibles of IDIOTS!