Thursday, January 26, 2023

more, more, more

 National Archives asks former presidents and vice presidents to check for classified and presidential documents. (CNN Politics)

Ummmmm, Huhhhhhhh, What now? So, if we are told that Presidential Documents are really a BIG DEAL, and might include some very IMPORTANT INFORMATION, and should be considered a KEY TO OUR HOMELAND SECURITY; then please tell me WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY READILY shared and used as personal property? It seems to me, just as a regular citizen, that if PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS are very, VERY important, then why not make it impossible for those documents to be taken away from the White House, and why aren’t there a few people, given the task of making sure no matter if it is the President, or a Vice President, that those materials are monitored?


Nearly three-quarters of Americans think House GOP leaders haven't paid enough attention to the most important problems. (CNN Politics)

It does not matter actually that nearly three-quarters of Americans think anything at all about the Republicans, especially in the HOUSE, because the majority of those Republicans come from very Right-Wing Gerrymandered Districts, where there is no competition from Democrats, and places from which this Activist GOP Political Supreme Court feels that it doesn’t matter to support Democracy. Look closely at who sits in the House, and if they truly had competition would be working anywhere but in Washington. Being dumb, ignorant, and racist are benefits in a very Gerrymandered Republican District.


McCarthy’s concessions are giving House Republicans angst. (Washington Post)

This headline reminds me of the adage, "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" I mean, seriously House Republicans were you not in the Republican Forest when the sounds of cutting KEVIES balls off of his body were made? I mean seriously House Republicans, who now feign ignorance or amnesia, were you not a part of the MAGA and FREEDOM CAUCUS, chain saws as they diligently cut off KEVIES' backbone? I think you referred to yourselves as being MODERATE REPUBLICANS. SERIOUSLY, dudes? You voted to permit Margie-Putin-Greene to serve on Committees from which she disagrees with their purpose. You agreed to have GYM Jordan be important, let alone Gosar/BOEBERT and Gaetz. ANGST, you so-called MODERATES are as full of HYPICROCY BULL SHIT, as the rest of the majority of House Republicans.