Thursday, January 5, 2023

Is it me...

 Is it me, OR…

Once again, a ONCE IN A LIFETIME, weather phenomena have occurred in the USA. The ONCE IN A LIFETIME, Cyclone Bomb has released the Kraken and has attacked the Earth.


CLIMATE CHANGE, is here, yet somehow like the possibility of Alien Life, we are supposed to believe that this is just a bunch of ‘Old Wives Tales’, VOO-DOO., or Science Fiction!


Is it me, OR…

How many times does a 100-year flood have to happen almost every two years, or F-5 Tornadoes, or 1000-year Droughts, or Century Blizzards have to happen before we as a Human Race take the whole CLIMATE CHANGE thing seriously?


WAIT, I know! Most likely we will take it seriously when the 1% of the world’s wealthiest Families and Corporations suffer once in a life DEFICITS!