Wednesday, January 25, 2023

I am in America

 “I like to be in America Okay by me in America Everything free in America…” (I Like To Be In America/Stephen Sondheim)

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday blocked fellow California Reps. Adam B. Schiff and Eric Swalwell from continuing to serve on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. (Los Angeles Times). The Trump Dummy, Kevin, is angry and ready to get even, even if it means if the freedom of truth is IGNORED. In his America, you never DISS, his Lord and Master, Trump!


“Life can be bright in America. If you can fight in America. Life is all right in America. If you're all white in America….” (I Like To Be In America/Stephen Sondheim)…. Twitter reinstated white nationalist Nick Fuentes, who praised Hitler. (Business Insider). Never been a Twitter Member, so maybe I am incorrect, but it seems to me, AND I AM CORRECT, that one more white guy, whose ego is the most important part of his body, has decided that it is better to be a Racists than have insight or knowledge. Musk, make Trump seem less than Kanye, and Kanye less than anyone identified as a GOP elected official.


“Everywhere grime in America Organized crime in America Terrible time in America…” (I Like To Be In America/Stephen Sondheim)

Dark Money still thrives, and Corporate Puppet Masters still buy and sell Congress, so ya ever really believe there will ever be any laws about Guns…Gerrymandered Districts are the law according to the Supreme Court, so way too many members of the House, have no explaining to do toward their Constituents, permitting Racism/Abortion/Don’t Say Gay/and Hate to thrive… Liars can lie, facts are ignored, History somehow becomes too critical… The FBI is chastised by the GOP, except the FBI who it seems helped Trump's corrupt run for President, by aiding and abetting the Russians during the 2016 Campaign… If the wealthy do IT and IT is not the law, no consequences so IT seems.


I do like to be in America, but if I ignore, the truth, the ugly, the UN-AMERICAN, it makes no difference where I live!