Friday, January 6, 2023

Another Dog Day

 Agent Sheldon: I want them all.

Sonny Wortzik: I want to talk to Leon.

Agent Sheldon: I want to come in, and see if everybody's okay.

Sonny Wortzik: You got guts. You think if Sal and me have cut their throats we're gonna let you out?

Agent Sheldon: I have to see. (Movie, “Dog Day Afternoon/Frank Pierson)


The Masochist within me, made me actually watch the 12th Round of Self Flagellation by an Enemy of the State, who had refused to work with the January 6th Commission. Maybe I did enjoy watching KEVVVVVVV get humiliated, maybe I enjoyed watching his guts churn and turn, OR maybe I actually wanted to witness a person so void of INTROSPECTION, and so filled with I WAS DESTINED TO BE KING, live through Hell.


203 Republicans participated, on January 6, 2023, two years after the Insurrection and attempted Coup, to honor, promote and try to elevate an individual whose true response to a Republican President's call for Revolt was to kowtow, kick-ass, and pretend the overthrow of Democracy was no more than a 4th of July Parade. 203 GOP elected officials have decided that electing Kevin McCarthy as Speaker was somehow a well-deserved reward.


This quote from ‘Dog Day Afternoon,’ reminds me, that the complete mess, mayhem, and murders that took place on January 6, 2021, were just MEH, no biggie, and somehow no one got hurt, so come down, we are not CRIMINALS!