Sunday, January 8, 2023

Jim, Gym, James

 “Sometimes democracy is messy but I would argue that’s how the founders intended it,” Jordan said. “They wanted real debate, real input from all people and you get a decision.” (Jim (Gym Jordan)


MESSY, Jimmy, Gym, James…as in attacking the Capitol…as in attempting to hang Mike Pence…as in trying to maul and murder Capitol Police. Messy, Jimmy, Gym, James as in participating in an Insurrection/Coup/Treason.


Democracy is messy so you say, Jimmy, Gym, James…as in anointing a wanna-be dictator…as in permitting Fascism to place a choke hold on this nation…as knowingly spreading a Lie so Big as to place the welfare of this nations guts on the chopping block.


Hey, Jim, Gym, James, how many History books have you actually read…No, not the ones written by Q-Anon, or White Supremacist Oath Keepers, or the KKK, the ones were written by actual scholars who write about facts and not fiction. Hey Jim, Gym, James what do you truly know about the founders, aside from the drained facts you fear identifying them as Critical Race Theory?


Real input from real people, like whom? Jimmy, Gym, James you have been elected because your Ohio District is the result of SEVER GERRYMANDERING, meaning the real people who you should represent, have little voice in electing anyone, not a Republican. Debate, and Input Jim, Gym, Jimmy, how can that be when your Party is so keen on Voter Restrictions, Voter Denials, and Voter Repression.


Sadly, Jim, Gym, Jimmy after Abe Lincoln your political party decided that nothing but Racism, Xenophobia, Hate, and Fear are the actual Tenants of America.