Saturday, January 14, 2023


 The emerging contingency plan shows how Republicans are preparing to threaten to not lift the nation’s debt ceiling without major spending cuts from the Biden administration. Congress must pass a law raising the current limit of $31.4 trillion or the Treasury Department can’t borrow anymore, even to pay for spending lawmakers have already authorized. Economists warn that not raising the debt limit could cause the United States to default, sparking a major panic on Wall Street and leading to millions of job losses.


It AIN’T as if the government is or was or has been caught off guard regarding RAISING THE CURRENT DEBT CEILING. It AIN’T as if this issue regarding debt has no once a year arrived, been kicked down the road, picked up, kicked again, and once more terribly handled until the next year when as if it was GROUNDHOG DAY, started all over again.


But this time, within the next few weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, the majority of Republicans who had demonstrated their HATE and LOATHING for Democracy via their participation in the COUP on January 6, 2021, the majority of Republicans elected into the office from very distinct Gerrymandered Districts, allowing for absolutely no concern for competition in being re-elected EVER, the majority of Republicans is to only obtain as many 15 minutes of shame as possible to bolster their obnoxious careers to their voters who HAVE NO IDEA, just how damage will be done to those same ignorant voters…

THIS TIME, to try their best to make Joe Biden seem the bad guy, THIS TIME deciding that revenge in honor of Trump will be a priority rather than the welfare of the nation, THIS TIME because TRUMP seems to be the real Speaker of the House…ALL OF US, (including MAGA-KKK-Oath Keepers-Proud Boys-Q-ANON),  might suffer one of the biggest consequences since Trump’s reign of terror, and the Treasury of the United States will default.


I honestly would not mind if the Republicans shot themselves in their own foot due to their complete stupidity, but why should those of us suffer their consequences?!?!