Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Film Noir

 Elections are a foundation of democracy, but “Republicans have convinced a large number of people that election results can’t be trusted,” Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) said in an interview, “which, of course, means that decisions by those elected officials are illegitimate.” (Washington Post) 

It was a stormy day on the Cape, on Tuesday, August 23, 2022. As a teen, yesterday’s grey, thick-laden clouds, almost touching the ground, would have begged me to lie on the sofa in our living room and watch old movies, filmed in black and white. This film noir, always where emotions ran high, with the background music in a minor key, the action in seedy hotel rooms, or mansions spooky and dreary was a perfect escape into a wonderland of just forgetting about the day. On Tuesday, August 23, 2022, I just wanted to hide beneath the covers, and beg and plead with the powers that be, to just let me ignore this unbelievable world I find myself living, and just sleep, and finally awaken from this endless nightmare. I read the headlines my head and neck feeling tossed and turned as if both an earthquake and tsunami grabbed me and left me reeling like a noodle.


So, I did not write a BLOG, on Tuesday, August 23, 2022, protesting, ranting, raving, complaining, fighting, hoping, distrusting, and promising myself, that on that day, I would try to just fade in with the gloom.


But, since I believe SILENCE DOES EQUAL DEATH, I knew I must proceed, and continue to ACT UP, ACT OUT AND REMAIN LOUD. Today, Wednesday, August 24, 2022, I, as has become my usual morning ritual, read the headlines, read and re-read the continuing madness about Mar-A-Lag, TRUMP, the Republican Anarchists, Christian Nationalism, trying my hardest to deal with this UNREAL, REALITY. But then I found this headline from the Washington Post, Elections are a foundation of democracy, but “Republicans have convinced a large number of people that election results can’t be trusted,” Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) said in an interview, “which, of course, means that decisions by those elected officials are illegitimate.” And all at once, I understood, a true intention by anyone TRUMP and anyone who is a current REPUBLICAN, TO DESTROY DEMOCRACY, and to enhance the goals of those who wish to welcome AMERICAN FASCISM! None of us can excuse ourselves from dealing with this DANGER!