Sunday, August 21, 2022


 Michigan’s Republican gubernatorial nominee said she does not support abortion being legal even for child rape victims, suggesting that having the baby could be “healing.” …….. Dixon said she supports exceptions if a woman’s life is in danger, though she added that the “health of the mother and life of the mother are two different things.” (HUFFPOST)

Among and amidst the all too sordid, sad, pathetic, and purposeful attempts by EVIL DOERS of this World and Nation to simply ignore any empathy, sanity, compassion, or concern, I happened upon this tidbit of plain and simple BULL-SHIT, from a person who somehow thinks she KNOWS BEST about, well ANY BODY! The Republican Nominee (what other political party, except the GOP), one Tudor Dixon, has decided that RAPE, is a kind of gift, nature’s way of giving back, what your Father, Brother, Uncle, or Stanger took away from you when HE RAPED you… your piece of mind! YEPPERS, this callous but self-defined Christian woman, seems to know best, that when you (FEMALES) are traumatized physically and mentally, HOLD ON, HOLD TIGHT, and wham bam thank you, Ma’am, a fetus is in your future; and after the shock and horror of RAPE, keep that fetus inside and become happy again, whether you believe it or not!


One more reason provided, this time by a WOMAN, as to why WOMEN, need not think for themselves, or stress over the little things like RAPE. It seems this wanna-be Governor, Tudor Dixon will YOU that every gray sky has a neat bundle of sunshine waiting for you!