Sunday, August 14, 2022

perhaps a EUNUCH

 EUNUCH: a man who has been castrated, 

"Another group who owed their existence in the Capital Region solely to the presence of the imperial court. an ineffectual person. "a nation of political eunuchs" (Google)


EUNUCH: Republican MALE politicians, currently and wanna be in the very near future. GOP male spawn at the ready to remove their genitals, for the blessing of their perceived Emperor with no clothes, TRUMP! Republican Men who will watch as TRUMP once stated, “they want to be grabbed by the pussy!” (Gerry Buncher)


HAREM: the women occupying a harem; the wives (or concubines) of a polygamous man. a group of female animals sharing a single mate. a group of women perceived as centering around a particular man. (Google)


HAREM: Republican FEMALE politicians, currently and wanna be in the very near future. GOP spawn at the ready to lay bare any female genitalia, as to urge the sexual fantasies, not of TRUMP, but of their own desperate and devoid of love, lives! Republican women who have no concern or consternation regarding TRUMP once said, “they want to be grabbed by the pussy!” (Gerry Buncher)