Tuesday, August 2, 2022


 Justice Kagan just diagnosed the court's sickness. Hopefully her peers were listening. We are no longer nearing a crisis in confidence regarding the Supreme Court — we are already there. Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Elena Kagan, perhaps more than their colleagues, are acutely aware that the Supreme Court may be hurtling toward catastrophe. They know that if the court is viewed as illegitimate, it loses its authority. (MSNBC)


The day Trump somehow found his way into the office of President (and if you REALLY want to talk about RIGGED ELECTIONS, please begin in the year 2016), any legitimacy available within the parameters of the US Government, began eroding from within, intentionally and directly decaying. Let us get real America, there had never been any intention regarding Trump and his Coup-loving Conspirators to abide by the Constitution, adhere to the Laws of the Land, and ever have Trump lose what he perceived as the ultimate power. With the aid and support of McConnell, and most to all of the GOP Congress People, norms, values, equality, liberties, and freedom were NEVER-EVER priorities. And as I see it if you are scratching your heads in disbelief, maybe it was because your head was actually jarred inside your anal opening!


Thanks for speaking out loud Justice Kagan, but DUH, as the Supreme Court is just the latest branch of government to receive an extra bit of contagion from the TRUMP virus. Congress had stopped functioning as a law-making body, preferring to break laws, and create chaos. You know as in NEVER Impeaching TRUMP. The Executive Branch under TRUMP and his Fascists, ran roughshod on any semblance of fairness and equality. And as unqualified judges only hired for their jobs as Justices because they rated high on bogus and bigotry, accumulated like the dung beetles on a dead carcass, the Supreme Court turned into the fifth or sixth iteration of the Supremes when Dinah Ross quit.


Legitimacy, Justice Kagan died, and we are not even being haunted by its ghost!