Sunday, August 28, 2022


 “My duty to serve the president of the United States came first, even before family,” Kushner reflects several hundred pages later, without a whiff of irony. Mr. Ivanka Trump/Jared Kushner from his BOOK, (nowadays schlock is good if you are anyone TRUMP)/ “Breaking History,” 

Just read his opening quote and say out loud, Jared served Trump and not the welfare of and for Americans, Trump served himself, and not the welfare of and for Americans…both men were greatly financially rewarded, and none of that income ever found itself in the pockets of Americans…kind of like Regan’s bull shit called “TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS”


Jared has a book. Many of the Trump Klan have written books claiming that either they were true Trump loyalists identifying themselves as Patriots, or actually stayed in their position to THWART prevent (someone) from accomplishing something). And most to many have brushed off the idea of TRAITORS, COUP, TREASON and or RUSSIAN AGENTS insisting instead, that they saw no evil. (the villagers located near German Concentration Camps, claimed the same thing, that they saw nor smelled nor assumed that the numerous cattle cars heading toward that fenced-in camp, or smoke coming from the camps were of importance.)


Duty (something that one is expected or required to do by moral or legal obligation. the binding or obligatory force of something that is morally or legally right; a moral or legal obligation. an action or task required by a person's position or occupation), for the Trumpets’ meant, keep the insane man from imploding, lie for him and to him, and oh by the way save your career. Allegiance to a Dictator has been demonstrated by history, as a sickness, an ailment of the demented souls, who are soulless. Loyalty to Trump has been demonstrated by people like JARED!