Thursday, August 25, 2022


 Tennessee's "trigger" law banning abortions went into effect Thursday, making providing abortions a felony in the state.

The Tennessee near-total abortion ban, which was enacted in 2019, criminalizes performing or attempting to perform an abortion, only making exceptions for cases where it is necessary to prevent death or serious and permanent bodily injury to the mother, according to the law. Under the law, performing or attempting to perform an abortion is a Class C felony. (ABC News)


 TEXAS, IDAHO, NORTH DAKOTA, all Christian Nationalistic Nation States, all run by Fascist leaning Authoritarianists Legislatures, all RED as any Communist Country, as I view it! Women are no longer equal citizens, women are chattel owned and operated by the state, and women are to be treated the same way as the TALIBAN, treats their female population! The men who place women in a subservient position must be emasculated fellows who somehow think enacting restrictive rights provides more testosterone, and the women who assist in the legislation, must wake up every day and just loathe who they have become!


So many reasons to vote BLUE this November. So many…..