Saturday, August 20, 2022

To Begat

 The Greatest Generation (GI Generation): Born 1901–1924.

The Silent Generation: Born 1928–1945.

Both of these generations fought the Fascist and Authoritarianist Regimes, hoping to define the Legacy of Democracy as decent, full of freedoms, and liberties. There was a rallying cry to protect and defend the rights of many which were being swept away by the few.


Baby Boom Generation: Born 1946–1964.

This generation questioned the parameters of Democracy and the purview of Presidents. They dreamed they discovered, they protested, but most were determined to change the government, not by calling for a Civil War, but by demanding accountability. 


Generation X: Born 1965–1980.

This generation witnessed a war turned cold, a world where there was a line of demarcation, either be a Communist become subservient controlled, or feel safer living in a Democracy, albeit seemingly free, but with restrictions interpreted by a government, not always by or for the people.


Millennial Generation: Born 1981–1996.

Generation Z or iGen: Born 1997–2010.

Both of these generations were promised choices and few consequences. Strive to be at the top of the food chain, no matter how slippery the rungs to the top.  Everyone should be a winner, but if you lose blame it on something or someone else.


The Greatest Generation BEGAT the Baby Boom Generation, who BEGAT both the Millennial Generation and the Generation Z.


All of this BEGATTING brings us to 2022, where along the way, Fascism is Patriotic, Authoritarianism the new Democracy. Accountability is considered a Leftist Socialist trick, a President can become the King, and a CIVIL WAR is just like a Tea Party. WHAT THE HELL WENT WRONG?