Sunday, August 28, 2022


 The People of Praise, a secretive Christian faith group that counts the conservative supreme court justice Amy Coney Barrett as a member, considered women’s obedience and subservience to men as one of its key early teachings, according to leaked remarks and writings of the wife of the group’s founder----------

----------Barrett appears to echo the People of Praise culture in which she was raised and has chosen to remain a part of, which emphasizes the importance of childbirth, pregnancy and the abandonment of autonomy and privacy it supposedly entails, as a core part of what it means to be a woman. (The Guardian)


There remain women in this nation suffering the consequences of arrogant and self-absorbed religious zealots. Handmaid Barrett is one of those people, and she remains aloof, and seemingly unaffected choosing her own choices above all else, all the while providing consequences for others. It is never old news to consider pro-choice, because each and every day, a choice is removed, and one by one, women become chattel.


--------The personhood effort is an anti-abortion rights pursuit that would grant the same rights and legal protections to fetuses, in some cases before viability, as any person. The fetal personhood laws would classify abortion as murder and eliminate all or most abortion exceptions in states where the procedure is strictly curtailed. (The New York Times) ---------


What happens next? Not a question of mystery, but a plain and simple conclusion, that once any and all identity is removed from women, any and all choices are also removed. Perhaps, if the religious zealots become ensconced in power, women will be nothing but an industry for birthing. Carry the egg full term, birth it, never worry about your health, raise it, with love or without, with nurturing or without, and then do it again and again. Sounds like a bad sci-fi movie, well get ready!