Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Brought to you by the letter G

 “What's it all about, Alfie?

Is it just for the moment we live?

What's it all about when you sort it out, Alfie?

Are we meant to take more than we give?

Or are we meant to be kind?” (Alfie/Bacharach-David)


My Post today is sponsored by the letter G!



Carlson is fired finally. Trump remains a liar. Cruz admits to supporting the Insurrection. Republican Legislatures deny free speech, freedom of choice. Graham insists that abortion should be illegal. McCarthy will hold hostage our economy, and our budgets. 


What is the motive for all of this? As I see it, it pertains to the Business Bottomline. Carlson is no longer bringing in the revenue that Rupert desires to remain rich. Trump requires the dollars from the peons and peasants to remain rich. Cruz believes that cooperating in a Coup will provide him with enough Republicans to keep him rich. Graham will say anything, so his donors continue to keep him rich. McCarthy remains the key puppet for his Puppet Billionaire Puppet Masters to keep them rich.


Never is it about the welfare of the nation, but as I see it, ever since Reagan and his love of the rich, it is only about GLUTTONY/GREED/GRIFTING.