Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Do Black Lives still Matter

 The 84-year-old man charged with two felonies in the shooting of 16-year-old Ralph Yarl surrendered Tuesday afternoon and was booked into Clay County jail, a sheriff’s spokeswoman said. Prosecutors on Monday charged Andrew D. Lester with first-degree assault and armed criminal action in the shooting of Yarl, an honor student at Staley High School, when he mistakenly rang Lester’s doorbell in the Northland on Thursday night. (Kansas City Star) 

The governor of Oklahoma is calling on four McCurtain County officials to resign after they allegedly participated in a secretly recorded conversation that included racist remarks about lynching Black people and talking about killing journalists. (CNN).


Black Lives Still Matter, except somehow for a myriad of MAGA-type white folk, they don’t.


Lynching, shooting, fear-mongering, hating, just another day in AMERIKA, so it seems. Ya gotta wonder, why, then ya gotta consider that most MAGA Republicans follow the lead of people like Trump/DeSantis/and all of the GOP Politicians who remain silent regarding Racism. 


Hey, Yeah, the Oklahoma Republican Governor, made a statement, good for him, but maybe he should have gone a little further and stated loudly and profoundly that BLACK LIVES MATTER! And that old white guy in Kansas City, full of hate, hateful, had a gun, and damn he was gonna shoot it at the Black kid, who did nothing wrong, except he was Black.  God Bless Amerika!