Friday, April 14, 2023

Health Dies

 The Supreme Court temporarily restores full access to key abortion medication. The Supreme Court temporarily restores full access to key abortion medication “If allowed to take effect, the lower courts’ orders would thwart FDA’s scientific judgment and undermine widespread reliance in a healthcare system that assumes the availability of mifepristone as an alternative to more burdensome and invasive surgical abortions,” the group of anti-abortion doctors who challenged the FDA’s approval of mifepristone in U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk’s court should never have been granted legal standing, because their interests are not implicated.

“They neither take nor prescribe mifepristone, and FDA’s approval of the drug does not require them to do or refrain from doing anything,” (Washington Post)


Here we go again. Conservative Republican-leaning Activist Judges, Conservative Activist Physicians, decide that if they disapprove of medicine, prescriptions, or choices, somehow, THEIR opinion should become the law of the land. They claim that their freedoms are somehow ignored, all the while ignoring the freedom of choice by anyone else who is NOT them. These Christian Nationalists, demand that they are the victims, and because of their VICTIMIZATION, no one should have the freedom of their own choice.


Now, it seems the MAGA maniacs in state Legislatures have suddenly acquired medical degrees, Less than a page long, Idaho House Bill 154 would not only prohibit mRNA vaccines but anyone who provides or administers them would face misdemeanor charges. That means healthcare practitioners in Idaho could face fines or jail time. (Google Search). Pandora’s Box was split wide open when the lying Justices of, Gorsuch, Coney- Barrett, and Kavanaugh decided that they were medical experts regarding women’s reproductive rights, and that intended cut to women’s reproductive rights has now extended to another Trump-appointed Judge to act as God and Physician. 


Please do not forget that on Trump’s Last Full Day, Nation Records 400,000 Covid Deaths. Trump playing God, and Physician pretended that the Chinese Virus was a hoax. His followers loved the idea that COVID was either a Chinese attack or just a Democrat trick. The Republicans loved denying science. If U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk’s religious prejudice succeeds in becoming law, SCIENCE, MEDICINE, AND FACT, along with the lives of Americans will all die.