Friday, April 21, 2023


 A deadline looms at midnight Friday for the most critical abortion case before the Supreme Court since its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade last summer.

The future of a widely used medication drug to end pregnancies is the specific issue before the court. But nothing less than the health care options of American women and even the viability of US regulatory approvals for routine drugs are in question. (CNN)


Now in AMERIKA having a law degree happens to make you a medical expert on everything from women’s health to women’s reproductive health. Now, having a law degree in AMERIKA happens to make you a Scientist, Biologist, and Psychiatrist regarding Transgender Live, Transgender transitioning. 


Now, in AMERIKA, being an elected Republican Politician in AMERIKA happens to make you the end-all, be-all, and know-all about ethics, morals, liberties, and freedoms.


Three Branches of Government, yet somehow the Legislative Branch, would rather demur to the Judicial Branch regarding laws that affect every single citizen in AMERIKA. I want the Senate and the House to at least put forward laws that negate the Judicial Branch’s opinions on everything from Banned Books, Anti-Woke-ism, Women’s Reproductive Rights, Trans Rights, and Freedom of Speech. Yeah, I know at least for right now the House will not relent from their Christian Nationalism stance, and I know that the Dems in the Senate may not have enough of a majority. BUT HERE IS THE THING FOR ME…let all of the current politicians in office GO ON RECORD, as having the courage to talk about these issues, or lack the courage to address these topics.


Many voters became savvy enough to pick and choose their nominees in 2022 regarding social issues. Make each and every Federal Politician go on record as to how they stand on FREEDOMS!