Saturday, April 15, 2023

New Medicine

 The legal fight over the abortion pill mifepristone. This lawsuit, filed by a coalition of anti-abortion groups called the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, seeks to overturn the FDA’s approval of mifepristone, which applies nationwide. The suit alleges that the agency did not adequately evaluate mifepristone’s safety before it greenlighted the drug in 2000, and it argues that the FDA should not have made the medication accessible via telehealth. (NBC News) 

Here we go, Religious Zealots, Judicial Religious Zealots, are now acting as scientists, and as with the issues of Trans Health Care, COVID vaccines, the ability to die with dignity, Reproductive Rights; the decisions of a minority of anti-science/anti-medicine, conservative Christian Nationalists have decided to establish laws for the entire nation.


What happens when these same Christian Nationalists decide that drugs to help people with HIV-AIDS might be keeping the wrong people alive, or that their own precious children might be educated enough and try being Gay because now the Gays can live a healthier life. What happens when the next Pandemic arrives and these Christian Nationalists decide that the FDA has not done its due, due, due diligence, thus permitting the spread of the virus, as did the Trump Administration has had Trump’s policies or lack thereof contribute to the deaths of around 461,000 Americans in 2018. In 2019, about 22,000 deaths resulted from Trump’s dismantling of environmental protection measures alone.


Please remember, that once the Republicans invent a new villain to scapegoat, they are never pleased fucking up that demographic’s life, but within their sad sack base, use the unintelligent disease of hate to eventually ruin the lives, well-being, and health of everyone else.


Now the minority of uninformed Anti-Abortion Doctors refusing the entirety of facts are setting in motion, with the assistance of Judges who place their own prejudiced religious dogma above facts, a doctrine in place affecting the lives of millions of Americans.