Monday, April 3, 2023


 The Brown Shirts of Germany seemed to have morphed into the White Sheets of Amerika, which then morphed into the Red Hats of MAGA.

The parents who somehow think that, because they feel offended by books whose topics include, the LGBTQ community, the history of Racism in America, Anti-Semitism in America, and HATE toward the other in America, seem to believe that their rights NOT to read these books, actually should trump the rights of the rest of us, who do want to read these books, and do WISH have these books read and discussed by educators. Those parents demanding BANS ON BOOKS, somehow insist, that only their decisions are the correct way; forgetting that in a Democracy, in a country founded on a divide between Church and State, to deny free speech is actually an offense against the US Constitution. 


So it seems to me, that the Republican Party has placed HATE as a priority, BIGOTRY as a positive, and Denial of rights and freedoms for choice as the perfect way to win Primaries.