What is the problem with the Electoral Count Act?
The ECA has not been updated since its enactment more than 130 years ago, and it is rife with gaps and ambiguities that make it confusing. Critically, the imprecise language allows for multiple interpretations of key terms. For example:
The ECA sets a national election day per the Constitution, but the law is ambiguous as to what sorts of exceptions could allow states to choose their electoral college members after Election Day.
The ECA makes it too easy for individual members of Congress to try to throw out a state’s results.
The ECA supposedly allows states to resolve their own election results and contests but has no enforcement mechanism to protect those resolutions.
The ECA does not have a clear and concise process for resolving disputes if Congress deadlocks when it meets every four years to tally the electoral votes.
130 years ago, the Electoral Count Act was entered into US Law. An archaic law, which as it has rotted in its years has provided for ONE PERSON ONE VOTE within the United States to become irrelevant. This law has permitted politicians, not the voters, to hide behind the smoke-filled doors doing back-room deals. This law has provided fodder for the foolish to protest the results of an election if, in fact, their candidate did not receive the majority of votes. This law has incited many forms of Insurrection.
I am so tired of hearing about swing states and the electoral college votes they contain, meaning that no matter what the voter wishes, anywhere else, ONLY those states identified as SWING STATE, will matter. 130 years later, and this nation has witnessed the abuse, INTENTIONAL interference of not only the electoral college itself but men and women, who at their own political whims and wishes can actually elect the President.