Monday, April 10, 2023


 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott wants to undo the guilty verdict of a white army sergeant who fatally shot a Black Lives Matter protester back in 2020, according to USA TODAY. Though the jury found the man guilty as charged, Abbott said he plans to pardon him based on the state’s “Stand Your Ground” law. (The ROOT)

Texas begat George W. Bush as Governor, who begat Rock Perry as Governor, who begat Greg Abbott as Governor. As far as I am concerned, all three are prime examples of how voter restriction, voter bigotry, voter gerrymandering, and voter stupidity begat nothing but BOGUS idiots, whose only claim to fame is to make themselves famous, wealthy, and powerful.


I tend to think that Greg Abbott is doing one of a few things, as he overrides a Jury’s decision regarding a murderer. Greg is auditioning for the role of VP for TRUMP. Greg is silently waiting to announce a run for President, knowing full well, that what will get him the GOP nomination is to go as low as you, and if he goes lower than DeSantis or Trump (unimaginable how low that will take him), he will be a shoo-in. Or maybe Greg just craves more 15 minutes of shame.


It seems that Justice/Honor/Law are no longer words regarded with any respect by the Republicans. Pro-Life only remains for the Fetus. The Constitution only contains the Second Amendment. And Snake Oil is served on a daily basis.