Sunday, April 9, 2023

Silence is NOT GOLDEN

Hey Democrat Politicians and those very expensive talking Heads you hire, start talking about how the Republican/Trump Party pretends to be the Party of Law and Order, and HOW they REALLY are not. Actually Democrat Politicians and your very expensive Talking Heads, why not SCREAM how the GOP are nothing but scam artists regarding LAW AND ORDER! 

You have lots of examples to show and tell. The latest lying sack of shit is one of the SUPREMES, CLARANCE. Justice Thomas Says He Was Advised Lavish Gifts Did Not Need to Be Reported In a statement, the justice said that he had followed past guidance from others at the court, but that he would now comply with new guidelines and disclose gifts and free travel. (This excuse is like saying the DOG ATE MY HOMEWORK). Of course you have the PREMIERE sack of lying shit, TRUMP, who is just appalled that his bribes and payoffs were legit, and he was trying to save his marriage.


And then one need only go to the tapes of the MAGA/TRUMP/Republicans trying to murder police, attacking police, and threatening with bodily harm, POLICE, during the January 6th Insurrection.  Then go no further then to Texas, where the slimy sack of shit Governor, Gov. Greg Abbott backs call for pardon for Daniel Perry, who killed Austin protester in 2020 The governor says he asked the Board of Pardons and Paroles to expedite review, recommend clemency one day after Perry was convicted of murder.


These are just a bunch of recent examples, Democrat Politicians and those very expensive talking Heads you hire. Silence is NOT GOLDEN. Silence EQUALS DEATH. You know how quickly and fastidiously the Republicans would be forcing jail time, resignations, and impeachments if any of the above were ignited by a Democrat. So, seriously, so, what are you waiting for!