Sunday, April 2, 2023


 Maybe if we offered the MAGA and the current crop of Republican/Trump Party Politicians a new kind of a 12 STEP  self-help recovery program, called HYPOCRITES ANONYMOUS; a few of them might actually be cured of the Rampant Red State Disease called HYPOCRISY!


THE REPUBLICANS, NOW: This New York indictment is nothing but Political weaponization' of government, blatant abuse of power. They PROCLAIM, how dare this indictment happens while Trump has declared his candidacy for President. ETC, ETC, ETC…


THE REPUBLICANS, THEN: "but her emails,” “lock her up, lock her up”, Republican leaders asked the Justice Department on Monday to open a criminal investigation into whether Hillary Clinton lied to Congress in testimony last fall about her private email server. OH YEAH, WHILE SHE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.


THE REPUBLICANS: “Free speech for me and not for thee.” Conservatives at the state level have adopted slogans like “individual freedom” and “choice” — to brazenly and hypocritically push measures that punish people for discussing banned topics or expressing the wrong opinions. Freedom and Choice, but not for just anyone who actually wants their children to read books in school libraries. Not for kids all kids to say I am Gay. Never for women who want reproductive rights. Not even for the right to use pronouns which YOU, actually identify. THE REPUBLICANS: The only choice necessary is the one we make for you. The only speech free enough, are the words and sentences of which WE approve.


I could go on and on and on, you certainly could go on and on and on. As Nancy Reagan once so cavalierly stated, “Just Say No!” “No to HYPOCRICY!” Nah, Republicans still did drugs THEN and I suppose Republicans will still do HYPOCRICY NOW. HMMM. Maybe HYPOCRITES ANNONYMOIUS, because it is anonymous, might work!