Sunday, April 16, 2023


 Since it became known that Teixeira is a white, Christian male, we’ve seen the likes of Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to leap to his defense. (MSNBC) 

"Jake Teixeira is white, male christan [sic], and antiwar," Greene tweeted  within hours of the arrest. "That makes him an enemy to the Biden regime. And he told the truth about troops being on the ground in Ukraine and a lot more." "Ask yourself who is the real enemy?" she continued. "A young low level national guardsmen? Or the administration that is waging war in Ukraine, a non-NATO nation, against nuclear Russia without war powers?" (NEWSWEEK)


MARGIE-PUTIN-GREENE. Nothing more needs to be added except, how the how, why the hell is she still serving in Congress. MARGIE-PUTIN-GREENE. Nothing more needs to be said except words like Insurrection, Treason, and Enemy of the State. MARGIE-PUTIN-GREENE. Nothing more needs to be said, except, TRUMP, HATE, SLIME, SLEEZE!


The 118th Congress has become a sham, a sideshow, a circus, a Putin puppet show, one of the lowest life forms living in the United States, and oh yeah the cave-dwelling for MARGIE-PUTIN-GREENE!