Sunday, April 23, 2023


 Lauren Boebert told drag queens to stay out of her district. They came & everyone had a good time.

"It is highly inappropriate for bigoted people to sexualize children’s events for political gain," one parent who attended said of Boebert. (LGBTQ Nation)


Lauren Boebert’s husband did jail time for "lewd exposure" in a bowling alley. She was there.

Couple were 86'd from Colorado bowling alley in 2004 after Jayson Boebert exposed himself to two young women. (SALON)


Hey BOEBERT, why haven’t you used your bully pulpit to demand that grown assed married men stay out of your district, for lewd exposure toward young girls at Bowling Alleys?


Seriously BOEBERT, your husband was in jail, fined and you both were told to “Sashay Away” from the Bowling Alley. BOEBERT, you are truly one very STUPID IDIOT!