Saturday, April 1, 2023


 I know, just like we are told NOT to scratch the Poison Ivy rash on our skin (and I have had it), the mere itching of it, for the moment, does make it seem to feel so damn good. And I know that to partake in reading anything about  BOEBERT, just like the Poison Ivy rash, can lead to anguish, frustration, and suicidal thoughts. But as I see it, to ignore this INSURRECTIONIST, would be just as bad, at least for me. This actual poster child FOR BEING SUMBER THAN SHIT, BOEBERT, is still sitting in Congress and still has the power to act the part of a MEAN GRIRL.


Lauren Boebert Won’t ‘Nitpick What the Bible Says’ Now That Her Teen Son Will Be a Dad “Obviously, I’m a Christian, and there are standards that we like to uphold, but none of us do it perfectly,” Boebert told Dave Rubin on his talk show The Rubin Report on Thursday. “We can nitpick what the Bible says is right and wrong, but I think just having that heart posture of wanting to serve God, it’s so important.” (What, exactly, “heart posture” entails, I have yet to figure out, but it sounds like fairly run-of-the-mill evangelical bullshit.) (Jezebel)…She thinks it fine JUST FINE, if you will, to NITPICK  the Bible, as in when you pretend you are God, you choose not to accept the icky stuff that gets in your way!


The right is constantly preaching about the necessity of abstinence before marriage and stigmatizing unintended pregnancy as sinful and shameful, all while demonizing abortion, which many pregnant teens choose. Excusing premarital sex but not abortion, both of which are ostensibly against her “family values,” is as inconsistent as it gets. (Jezebel)…In my review of her 17-year-old son impregnating his younger girlfriend, I was busy getting hives just from the idea of underage sex but forgot that CHRISTIAN teachings rail pre-marital sex. So, BOEBERT JUNIOR, is a sinner, EXCEPT, not if you NITPICK!


Boebert says, “One of the biggest things that I look to is, ‘Him who knows to do right and doesn’t, it’s sin.’ And I mean, there [are] things all throughout the week that I know is right to do and sometimes, I don’t do them.” (Jezebel)…BOEBERT tries to make herself humble by admitting sometimes she doesn’t the things she knows that is right, but if you are anyone else she DEMANDS, that you only do the things she tells YOU, that are right. NITPICKING!