Monday, April 24, 2023

DICK Durbin, wtf

 “Why not invite Justice Thomas?” Invite Thomas instead of Roberts, to testify.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin, D-Ill., gave a curious response to that simple question on Sunday from NBC's Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press." The question followed recent reports of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ undisclosed financial ties to a GOP billionaire, which prompted Durbin to announce hearings into the high court’s low ethical standards.


Durbin told Todd that he assumed Thomas would ignore the committee's invitation, so he didn’t extend one. (MSNBC)


Spineless Democrat Senate Leadership. Cowards within the leadership of the Democrat Senate Majority. Democrat Leadership somehow leading with their asses or with their own heads up their asses. So far, at least to me, it seems that Dick Durbin is following in the dismal shadow of Chuck Schumer, in providing any fortitude to save Democracy from the Republicans/MAGA/ and the Right.


So Dick Durbin, just knew that Clarence Thomas would not accept a request to appear, so NO NEED TO EVEN TRY! How about a subpoena Dick Durbin, as in Clarence Thomas you must respond? Imagine, once the GOP regains the majority in the Senate, how easy it will find it to subpoena ANYONE!