Saturday, April 8, 2023

Day After Tomorrow People of Color

 To my friends who happen to not be Caucasian. To my Family members who happen to not be White. To the individuals, I know and do not know, who happen to be born, and now identified as People Of Color. I SAY that we have come face to face with THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW. And hoping and wishing this was not so, is not a hope but a delusion. This delusion is predicated on nothing but the poison of bigotry, bias bogus, and bullshit! THIS, however, CANNOT BE TOO LATE TO FINALLY FIGHT BACK.

*Expelling lawmakers from their elected positions is an exceptionally rare move in state legislatures.

*Thursday's votes made the expulsions even more controversial when House Republicans chose to expel two black representatives but not the third Democrat, a white woman. (BBC)