Sunday, June 30, 2024


 INSTEAD of reminding Americans, with great pride and honor, JUST how much better these past FOUR years of a Biden Administration have been versus the previous FOUR years of the administration of the narcissist TRUMP, the Democrat Donor Class (you know, the folks with the meg bucks who seem to really decide our democracy) are wringing their wealthy fingers and publicly calling for Biden to drop out…NOW, AIN’T THAT JUST WHAT THE REPUBLICANS RELISH!

INSTEAD of comparing the freedoms, rights, choices, fairness, and equalities that the Biden Administration had delivered in his past FOUR years, it seems the Democrat Donor Class is fixated on one night, three hours of that one night, as if during that one night is when HISTORY began… NOW AIN’T THAT JUST WHAT THE REPUBLICANS RELISH!


BUT ON THE OTHER HAND. The Republicans Donor Class, have zero, zilch, nada problems with CONTINUING to support a convicted Rapist, a Felon with 34 counts, a convicted Fraudster, an accused spy who had Top Secret Documents and Confidential Documents stashed between his underwear, smelly golf shirts, and Diet Coke, in closets, bedrooms, and maybe his deceased wife’s coffin.


BUT ON THE OTHER HAND. The Republican Donor Class has no problem with Trump’s promise of an Administration filled Dystopian Autocracy, an administration whthatill continue to fuck up  our environment and climate, an administration preferring Putin, Orban, Jung-un, to one single world leader who believes in Democracy.


Money in politics never written in our Constitution but somehow revered as if our Founders had written those words in blood. Add to this sheer lack of courage and fortitude, the myriad of spineless, cowards calling themselves Democrat politicians. And of course we have the Media who just seem to forget their admitted mistakes during the Hilary/Trump elections, and who promised during the first Biden/Trump elections to seek truth rather than headlines.


As I read or watch the lunacy spewed by the Political Party I am affiliated with I grow sick and sad!



Saturday, June 29, 2024

Meh, on Life

The Supreme Court on Friday curtailed the power of federal agencies to regulate the environment, public health and other fundamental aspects of American life. (The Washington Post)


Once again, a group of people, all of whom have been anointed with the power of God for their lifetime, some of which have had very little experience in the ways of science, medicine, environment, sociology and even Judicial studies, are once again demonstrated their utter disregard for anything or anyone who is truly PRO-LIFE.


This group of unelected ordinary folk, more often than not political appointees and political partisans, and currently bought and paid for an by even more disingenuous scoundrels, pretend that they care about life, but end up demonstrating their true contempt for that life having QUALITY about it.


Whose freedom, EXACTLY, are these political puppets rooting for? Is it that, zygote, embryo or fetus that seem to be the Holy Sepulcher or Holy Grail for the pretense that LIFE matters? But once that form of being exits its mother’s womb, a whole of  who the fuck cares takes shape in the form of lax gun laws, lax health and welfare legislation, disregard for a healthy climate, and zero to no shits about freedoms and equality.


We once upon a time established THREE BRANCHES of government, for the major purpose of “CHECKS AND BALANCES,” and wham bam no thank you ma’am it seems that suddenly we are finding ONE BRANCH, all of which have never been elected by and for the people, playing Royalty and God. Worried? I am! Concerned? I am! How do we end this Tryanny?


Friday, June 28, 2024

Find you backbones












 Debate is a process that involves formal discourse, discussion, and oral addresses on a particular topic or collection of topics, often with a moderator and an audience. In a debate, arguments are put forward for common opposing viewpoints. Debates have historically occurred in public meetings, academic institutions, debate halls, coffeehouses, competitions, and legislative assemblies.[1] Debates have also been conducted for educational and recreational purposes,[2] usually associated with educational establishments and debating societies.[3] These debates emphasized logical consistency, factual accuracy, and emotional appeal to an audience.[4][5] Modern forms of competitive debate also include rules for participants to discuss and decide upon the framework of the debates (how the debate will be judged). (Wikipedia) 

I did not watch this CNN Reality Show last night. (As an aside I, actually DEBATED with myself if I should, watch it, if I could watch it without tearing out my hair, and the result of my DEBATE was to cling on to my sanity for that evening rather than enter the Twilight Zone, fearing I might never find my way out!


This morning, I read a myriad accounting of reports regarding the CNN Debacle. I read the Right-Wing, the Left-Wing, the so called real Journalists, and what I gleaned was nothing more than the SAME-OLD-SAME-OLD.  There were lies, left unchallenged by the moderators, there were no rules and regulations regarding respect for truth, it was one gotcha after the other. AND TO BE HONEST, OR SHOULD I ADD TO BE HONEST WITH OURSELVES, WHO EXPECTED ANYTHING ELSE!


So now the SPIN, will be who won who lost. The SPIN will be how old is Biden, The SPIN will be Trump lied. And worst of all for me, as a concerned American Citizen, as a member of the Human Race, the worst SPIN will be that PEOPLE WILL SOMEHOW FORGET ABOUT THE 4 YEARS TRUMP HAD BEEN IN OFFICE, AND THE HORRORS HE COMMITTED, VS THE WORK BIDEN HAS DONE TO KEEP OUR LIVES SAFER AND HEALTHIER. 


That is what frustrates and scares me! 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

A few more for today

 And a few more I am so angry and pissed commentaries.

--------Supreme Court blocks Purdue Pharma opioid settlement. The justices ruled that a bankruptcy judge did not have the authority to let members of Sackler family evade facing future lawsuits. (NBC News) Most everyone knows by now that Alito and Thomas have a great hobby of “PAY ME TO PLAY,” And from the past actions of Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, and Roberts wife, they also love a good sleight of hand, so I am shocked and amazed to see that the Sackler Family (an UBER SNAKE OIL FAMILY, if there ever was one, close to the kind of SLIMINESS of the TRUMP Family,) hadn’t been able to have their 7-digit attorneys grease the criminal palms of the Supreme Court Jesters!


--------Trump stolen documents found among Diet Coke, Christmas ornaments, new photos reveal. (MSNBC) Maybe sharing Top Secret Confidential Secrets with other Autocrats, or Billionaires who love to pay off Autocrats, is a tiring  bit of exertion, especially with a very overweight slug like TRUMP, so it must be more convenient to slug down a case about Cokes in doing so. Maybe the fizz of carbonation, sends a tingling sensation to Trumps genitals as he speaks with his LORD AND MASTER, and mot likely owner of blackmail video, Putin. Maybe the FIZZ as it careens through the blocked arteries within the foreboding body of TRUMP, as he sings sweet nothings to his BFF, Jung-Un, stimulates his attraction to one of the most vile and villainous people on Earth. And nothing like Diet Coke when ULTRA WEALTHY Public Enemies of the State stimulate TRUMPS' sexual desires, promising him millions and millions of dollars. But then remember according to TRUMP none of this ever happened.


Most everyone knows by now that Alito and Thomas have a great hobby of “PAY ME TO PLAY,” And from the past actions of Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, and Roberts wife, they also love a good sleight of hand, so I am shocked and amazed to see that the Sackler Family (an UBER SNAKE OIL FAMILY, if there ever was one, close to the kind of SLIMINESS of the TRUMP Family,) hadn’t been able to have their 7 digit attorneys grease the criminal palms of the Supreme Court Jesters!


--------Supreme Court curbs SEC powers to enforce securities laws. The case is one of several on the docket in which the conservative-majority court is weighing business-backed efforts to curb the power of federal agencies. (NBC News) SO LET ME UNDERSTAND THIS OLD ADAGE, “WHY WOULD YOU HAVE FOXES GUARDING THE HEN HOUSE!” Greed, Grifting, Bought and Sold, Owned and Operated, IS ANYONE in their right mind, SURPRISED, STUPIFIED, MESMERISED, or MYSYIFIED that the Republican Activist Supreme Court Jesters, would rule in favor, against moral and values, decency and law, and help make lawful bribery and snake oil? I wish there was a way to end the lifetime terms for these TREASONOUS TRAITORS!





It is BOEING, again

 BOEING has had problems keeping their aircraft safe while flying both domestic routes as well as overseas routes. Their aircraft continues to malfunction, people are hurt, injured, and terrified. The very “laissez faire attitude and response by their CEO, their Board Members is an additional fuck you folks, adding to a whole lot of WTF!

Boeing Plane Incidents Timeline: Full List of 9 Issues in 3 Months. (Newsweek)

Boeing blames missing paperwork for Alaska Air incident, prompting NTSB rebuke. (CNN)

Boeing committed ‘the deadliest corporate crime in US history’ and should be fined $24 billion, victims’ families say. (CNN Business)


BUT LO’ AND BEHOLD, it seems that all of those negative and life-threatening actions, reactions and responses, seem to have little to ZERO effect on the BOEING CORPORATION, because NOW, BOEING is now flying folks into SPACE.

Two astronauts wait to come home as Boeing races to understand spacecraft issues. (CNN Science)


SO ONE, (as in me) must wonder aloud thinking, a few things. First does anyone with responsibility and power give a shit on the safety of any passenger flying on a Boeing Aircraft, first class, business class, economy class or in ASTRONAUT class? And Secondly, I want to know who in our Government is being paid a VERY PRETTY PENNY for either purposely forgetting the torturous safety record of Boeing, or just placing personal profits above other people’s lives?








 Originalism is a theory of the interpretation of legal texts, including the text of the Constitution. Originalists believe that the constitutional text ought to be given the original public meaning that it would have had at the time that it became law. (Constitution Center) 

Clarence (or is it CLARANCE) Thomas loves to support the idea that the US Constitution should be considered history that lives in the present. He pontificates and lectures, we meager and meaningless minions that he and only HE understands EXACTLY what our Founding Fathers meant and still mean when having written the US Constitution.


EXCEPT, when it comes to people like Clarence Thomas himself. But one must remember, to be a member in good standing within the GOP, Republican Party, MAGA, Christian Nationalist Party one must demonstrate as much HYPOCRICY as humanly possible. For these charlatans and sociopaths, the LIE is important.


--------The Thirteenth Amendment (Amendment XIII) to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. It was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864, and by the House of Representatives on January 31, 1865. (Constitution Center)

Hey Clarence, the all-white dudes who wrote the Constitution were slave owners. Negros were considered chattel and when they ORIGINALLY wrote the Constitution, your ancestors were nothing more than property. 

--------Segregation in the sense of Jim Crow Laws and the physical separation of races in facilities and services ended in 1964. After almost 100 years of increased tensions and racial inequality, President Lyndon B Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in response to the growth of a powerful Civil Rights Movement in the United States. (Constitution Center)

Clarence, remember that according to the ORIGINAL Constitution, the Negros living in America could and would have never EVER been permitted to be anything but slaves, could not ride yachts, fly on planes, sit in the First-Class section of planes, and God forbid take luxury vacations other than perhaps being shipped from one plantation to another.

--------Interracial marriage has been legal throughout the United States since at least the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court (Warren Court) decision Loving v. Virginia (1967) that held that anti-miscegenation laws were unconstitutional (Constitution Center)

CLARENCE, ORIGINALLY it was illegal to marry out of your own race. (Even Thomas Jefferson, hid his love affair with his slaves). So Clarence imagine if you actually were not a self-serving HYPOCRITE pontificating on morals and standards and ORIGINALISM, you and your treasonous spouse, Ginni could not married.






The Republicans and their bought and paid for Supreme Court Jesters, claiming to be Pro-Life, when in fact, they seem to make living that miserable for a great majority of Americans. One or the other, the GOP Fascists in Congress or the GOP Activist Justices sitting on the Supreme Court, are usually insisting that all life is good, but mainly if that life lives inside the wom, because once it is delivered and takes its first inhale of air, it seems that the GOP says, “fuck off!’ They vote against or set laws against clean air, deny the lives of people who are Transgendered, refuse to accept medical advice regarding vaccines, fight the idea that same-sex couples find happiness in marriage, forget to feed the poor, and villainize humans who want to seek freedom and avoid punishment. 


For those of us who actually understand what it means to be Pro-Life, as in how we live that life, it is totally FRUSTRATING, to watch, witness, and wait for the next death knell to be sanctioned against us. Why is it, at least as I see it, THAT we are granting permission for a demographic of HATERS of LIFE to define what it means to be PRO-LIFE? I am so FRUSTRATED, at the constant FRUSTRATION by HYPOCRITES, within the Republican Party.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Another bottom feeder

 J.D. Vance: People Should Stay In 'Violent' Marriages For The Sake Of The Kids. “And maybe it worked out for the moms and dads, though I’m skeptical. But it really didn’t work out for the kids of those marriages,” Vance said. “And that’s what I think all of us should be honest about, is we’ve run this experiment in real time. And what we have is a lot of very, very real family dysfunction that’s making our kids unhappy.” (HUFFPOST)


Vance appears to believe unhappy, violent marriages are preferable to divorce. I have my doubts. Many divorced couples successfully collaborate to give their children love, support and security. Children in unhappy, violent homes surely don’t feel loved, supported, and secure in those homes. Vance also is against same-sex marriage. Given his way, would he disband the many loving, stable families of same-sex couples and risk losing all that happiness and future prosperity?  (Columbus Dispatch)


JD Vance is a highly educated man, he is smart enough to understand just how to sell snake oil to the millions of folks who are only as smart as what they hear on the TV or Radio , and who prefer being the sheep sent to slaughter than the Shepherd, leading them. JD Vance is an author, knowing how words can be used to establish a motive, even when the facts are absent. JD Vance has HIGH ambitions, one of which is to lick every crevice of TRUMPS orange anal opening, hoping to become the VICE DICTATATOR-IN CHIEF.


So now, along with Republicans who pretend to have a medical degree, this jerk suddenly has a PHD in Psychology and Sociology. HE, and ONLY HE, knows exactly what makes and keep kids happy. HE and ONLY HE, knows that a Heterosexual Mom, and a Heterosexual Dad , are the perfect pair to raise kids, even IF the Heterosexual Mom and the Heterosexual Dad, use physical or mental abuse in their relationship toward one another. JD Vance who so desperately wants to be loved by the American Christian Nationalist Fascists professes that no matter how horrible Heterosexual Mom and Dad are to one another, they should keep their hate for each other going…you know, FOR THE KIDS! Oh yeah and for good measure, JD Vance could give one shit about the kids in a home of Same-Sex parents, no, nope, no matter how stable or how long or how loving those families might be, according to JD Vance those kids need to be removed.







 You want all my love and my devotion

You want my love and soul, right on the line

I have no doubt that I could love you, forever

The only trouble is, you really don't have the time


You've got one night only, one night only

That's all you have to spare

One night only

Let's not pretend to care

One night only, one night only

Come on, big baby, come on

One night only

We only have 'til dawn (‘One Night Only/Kreiger/Eyen)


I SHALL REPEAT MYSELF, ONE MORE TIME…because I am going absolutely crazy regarding the hysterics and hype being perpetrated by the Media Outlets regarding THE DEBATE OF OUR LIFE TIME/ THE DEBATE OF THE CENTURY! It is being compared to the Super Bowl, The Armageddon of Politics, The World Series, an unnamed Category 5 Hurricane, and a 15.0 Earthquake on the Richter Scale. Even my favorites on MNSBC, Maddow, and Wallace have somehow fallen prey to this false story, declaring that this Debate might be the make-it-or-break night.


IT IS AS IF ALL OF THIS HOOPLA and HYSTERIA assumes that the entire nation, will have forgotten the evil, the selfishness, the arrogance, the Fascist, the crimes, the Felonies, the Insurrection, the treason, the promised tyranny, the COVID Deaths, the poor economy, the love affair between TRUMP and every foreign Authoritarian, the good people on both sides, the Paper Towels thrown at Puerto Ricans, the defeat of Roe…as if ONE NIGHT ONLY, this time we will see one of the Gladiators as a victor, and the other defeated. THE GREAT DEBATE of 2024 will be a Side Show, a Sham, a whole bunch of sly tricks…and from this ONE NIGHT ONLY ,we are to FORGET all and everything evil committed by TRUMP!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The APPRENTICE 2024 Season

 The newest season of The Apprentice has been playing not only on our TV sets but also in the stadiums, arenas, cow palaces, parking lots, and steps of courthouses throughout America. This 2024 season of The Apprentice has all of the induced nausea, rehearsed scripts, and written to sound as if pa person is speaking extemporaneously, kind of like off the cuff, as if their sudden emotion motivated to act or react. 

But for this season of the 2024 version of The Apprentice, the participants do not consist of Grade B Actors who used to be athletes or wannabe somebodies; instead, the cast for The Apprentice 2024 consists of Senators, Congress People, and Governors. This season TRUMP has replaced the need for showrunners by personally presenting his God Father's ring on his teeny tiny, orange-dyed finger to be kissed and has laid a path of orange turd for his selected sycophants to follow.


Be it “Little Marco,” or Pucker up JD Vance preparing his Debate,  or his personal Negro, Representative Byron Donalds, or the Dog Murderer Kristi Noem, or Medicare Fraudster Rick Scott, or Born Again and Again and Again, Mike Johnson, or Don’t Say anything I don’t like DeSantis, the cast for the 2024 Season of The Apprentice has been vying and trying, and crying for the King of Reality TV, TRUMP to choose them. No low is too low for these folks, no hypocrisy is too hypocritical, no double standard is double enough, and all of them trying to sniff TRUMPS ass, have given up on any SELF-RESPECT.


But even worse, as I see it, is how the Media is playing perfectly into TRUMPS PR plans, by constantly, and consistently show and telling their audiences all about the mystery of who TRUMPS VP PICK might be. TRUMP is full of shit about almost everything, but he does shine brightest by bringing the so-called intelligent media down to his own rotten way of life. 


WE ARE WATCHING THE APPRENTICE SEASON 2024, and TRUMP has paid zero in dollars for it to be presented. Will we ever learn how NOT to become SCHMUCKS for his CON?

Monday, June 24, 2024

Finding God?

 ----------Deaths are not uncommon at the Hajj, but with temperatures up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, this year's tally was significantly higher than usual.11 hours ago. More than 1,000 people died during this year's Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced extreme high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, officials said Sunday. (NBC News)

My oh my, heat over 120 degrees, my oh my, is it a fluke, is it just sad pitiful act of nature…OR IS IT a weird coincidence that one of the leading exporters and producers of Oil, seemingly giving no shits about their part in man-made Climate Change (because the more Oil sold, the wealthier the Royals become in Saudi Arabia,) has suffered the consequences of greed, gluttony and lack of morals. Interesting, isn’t it that this religious group came to worship their God’s work in a nation that so far has demonstrated the selfish work of man?


……….Lauren Boebert Tells Steve Bannon About The Need For Morals In Jaw-Dropping Chat. “This is something we need all throughout our nation ... because we need morals back in our nation, back in our schools,” she said in a clip surfaced by MeidasTouch Network. “If there's anything we are going to present in front of our children, it's going to be, it should be, the word of God. Boebert was infamously tossed from a staging of “Beetlejuice” after vaping, talking and groping her date during the performance. Bannon is scheduled to head to prison in a matter of days for defying a subpoena related to Jan. 6, 2021, and faces a trial on another matter ― allegedly defrauding contributors to a fund to build a southern border wall. (HUFFPOST)

Not only has BOEBERT been caught acting with less moral restraint in a theater, but she also has a prior history. Her husband has been arrested twice, and her son has been arrested. One might have wondered when and where she forgot her lessons on morality! And Stevie Bannon, a fraudster, a  guy who believes that the law only applies to Leftists, the guy who just loved a good insurrection, seems to be hemorrhaging morals and values.


AMAZING FOR ME watching folks spend time acting like Gods, rather than finding GOD!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Willing Victims

 Former President Donald Trump again used dehumanizing language about immigrants on Saturday, telling crowds at two separate venues that he has floated the idea of a migrant fight club to UFC President Dana White.

"I said, 'Dana, I have an idea. Why don't you set up a migrant league of fighters and have your regular league of fighters. And then you have the champion of your league – these are the greatest fighters in the world – fight the champion of the migrants. I think the migrants’ guy might win; that’s how tough they are," Trump said at a Faith & Freedom Coalition gathering in Washington. (USA Today)


One more “right in our face,” inflammatory, bigoted, racist, xenophobic statement from the King of Mean. This time, it is the migrants, last time and the time before that, and the time before that, and most likely next time, it was or will be the Jews, the Blacks, the Women, the Gays, the Trans, the Hispanics. And yet we hear that there are still a whole bunch of Jews, Blacks, Women, LGBT, and Hispanics who seem to think that for some reason, maybe it is their wealth, maybe it is their self-denial, maybe it is their own bigotry and bias, BUT SOMEHOW, these demographics still support TRUMP, providing him with donations, and undying support.


TRUMP and his Brown Shirted, Red Hatted, White Robed, Swastika adorned Enemies of the State are just waiting to become in power, and demonstrate, as history has proven before, that the minorities who think their shit does not stink like others within their own minority demogarphic will become the next victims…seemingly WILLING VICTIMS!

WTF, one night ONLY

 There has been a whole FLOTILA of BULL SHIT cruising the airwaves, the highways, and the by-ways of America, during the TRUMP Regime and now in TRUMPS attempt to make certain his REGIME lasts for a long, long time. Each and every day, we are inundated by the sheer audacity of Republican Politicians and their Billionaire Owners, pretending that Democracy is dead due to the Leftists, or that Crime is up due to the Democrats, or that somehow freedoms and choices have diminished due to anyone but TRUMP and his accolades.  

The newest boat joining this FLOTILA of BULL SHIT is the hype and hysterics perpetrated by our Media that somehow this upcoming Presidential Debate will be a referendum on which Candidate is better at being President! It is as if one night will replace the records of the first four years of the Trump attempt at autocracy, as if TRUMPS entire record of devastation regarding COVID, lowering taxes on the ultra-wealthy, weaponizing HIS Justice Department, HIS disregard for minorities, HIS self-serving decision to nominate, Kavanaugh, Comey-Barrett, and Gorsuch to overturn Roe, HIS very close relationship with two of the world’s most evil of Dictators, HIS Felonies, HIS stealing of Top Secret Documents, etc., etc., etc. DOES NOT MATTER!


One debate, one night, a few hours, and if Joe Biden stumbles or stutters, “We the People” are to shove him aside for TRUMP! One debate, one night, which most likely will not even resemble a fair and honest debate, and if TRUMP struts around the stage, throwing out lies and insults, “We the People” should suddenly believe that he, as a BULLY, is more capable of being the Executive-In-Chief! One debate, one night, a few hours, and if TRUMP tries his best to imitate Sarah Palin with his “Gotcha” stupidity, “We the People” should assume President Biden is senile and thus less competent than the wanna-be Fascist TRUMP!


GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK, all of you so-called Political Pundits, Political Talking Heads, Journalists, and so-called reporters, stop your self-serving HYPE over this debate. Pretending that in this one night, we should forget the past and start all over! 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The LOSER, the LOWER form of life

 The well-known LOSER, the LOWER form of life, has already begun to claim that the first Presidential Debate of 2024 is already RIGGED! (Now, for the sake of FACTS, let it be known that the Trump-hired Enemies of the State had signed off on the rules and regulations of this debate). 

This is a bit of Déjà vu, of course, stemming from the LOSE, and LOWER form of life’s previous sack of bull shit that somehow the 2020 election had been rigged. A coward, a creep, an insecure, inept idiot, who hides from reality, TRUMP has already predicated his future regarding this debate and has once again projected his own inadequacies by letting us know, he is nothing but a FAÇADE!


I cannot just sigh, roll my eyes, shout, “You fucker,” hoping that these gestures on my part will somehow show TRUMP my level of disgust because, sadly, too many other people in this nation will actually consider TRUMP telling us that the debate WAS rigged!


I would like the Media to fight back, act up and act out at these loony TRUMP lies, and each and every day, remind those out there who have not completely sold their souls to the Devil, that TRUMP is nothing more than a LOSER, and LOWER form of life!



 The newest bit of “TOKYO ROSE” propaganda from an immigrants propaganda station, FOX (the immigrant being who should have never been permitted entry into this nation, Ruppert Murdoch) is having Sean (my paycheck is more important than Democracy) Hannity, and his cohort Laura (I am proud of being a Political Prostitute) Ingraham is to suddenly call Joe Biden, “Jacked Up Joe!”

These two inept, Enemies of the State, along with the permission from The Murdoch Family, the ones who honestly should be sent back to where they came from, began the “Jacked Up Joe,” theory when President Joe Biden, delivered a very strong State of the Union” address. Surprised, chagrined, and absolutely gone “bat shit crazy,” by President Biden’s performance, Fox’s “Tokyo Roses,” following orders from Heir TRUMP, made certain that their Brain-Dead Bigot Viewers, should know that President Biden, could have ONLY been so on target, and truthful ONLY because he must have taken “Uppers,” or Steroids.”


Interesting AI, AIN’T IT, that of all the falsehoods and lies these two Snake Oil Salespeople could conjure up was that President Biden used “Uppers,” or Steroids! “But for those of us who have caught on to the scheme of Republican and TRU's use of PROJECTION, onto others of HIS own illicit and deceitful behavior, it no longer becomes INTERESTING, but rather one more admittance of TRUMPS own actions.


The Murdochs and TRUMP and the “I Could Give A Fuck,” about Democracy “Tokyo Roses of Foxx, continue to admit to the crimes and sins of TRUMP, thinking that by making us “Look Over There,” we will not look at them.

Friday, June 21, 2024

The fools

 So “Little Marco,” and the newest edition of how low can you go as a Republican Senator, JD Vance, has been recruited to pay homage to the Fascist Palace at Mar-Lago to assist the Cognitive Declining TRUMP with his Presidential Debate.

Hmmm…One has to wonder which of these two men is more qualified to assist Heir TRUMP, “Little Marco,” who once swore that TRUMP was a fool, a moron and  an idiot, or JD, who once accused TRUMP of being an Americanized Adolph Hitler?


Two wannabe lackey’s supposing that placing personal gains above and beyond the will and welfare of the people are vying to do the will of a Sociopath, who, in the end, always shoves anyone who is not TRUMP under the bus!


One also has to wonder,  two things regarding “Little Marco and JD…upon which wall at the Fascist Palace of Mar-Lago will TRUMP place his newly collected testicles from Rubio and Vance? And if TRUMP loses the debate will h, will he send his MAGA monsters out to hang “Little Marco and JD, as he instructed his MAGA Morons to hang Mike Pence?

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 ……..Narcissistic people often resort to projection to protect their self-image. Complaining about how someone else is so “showy” or “always needs attention” is one example of how a narcissist might project. They may also blame others for things that have gone wrong, rather than taking responsibility themselves.

Projecting your insecurities is a coping mechanism that co-opts someone else's psyche to use as an emotional dumping ground. And so, projection is a form of unsolicited communication. (Psychology Today)


“Look Over There, and if you don’t see it, you hate me.” Donald Trump never spoke that quote, but Donald Trump presents himself in that manner, as I see it.

Be it Trump calling the Biden’s a Crime Family. Be it Trump mimicking an old, frail Joe Biden. Be it Trump continuously talking about Biden’s cognitive decline?. Be it Trump calling Biden weak on crime. Be it Trump pretending that Biden has weaponized the Justice System? Whatever lies, fabrications, and delusions Trump asserts against President Joe Biden, most all, stem from his own uncontrolled NARCISSISM, socioeconomic mental illness, and WELL-DEFINED INSECURITIES. 


……..Someone who takes advantage of others or things are called an exploiter, they take people or things for advantage for their own gain, being an exploiter is selfish and unethical. Opportunists are people who see a chance to gain some advantage from a situation, often at the expense of ethics or morals. An opportunist seizes every opportunity to improve things for himself. Say you won millions in the lottery. People would come out of the woodwork, hoping to get their hands on some of it. (Merriman Dictionary)


“Let's help him, sell his snake oil, and join in the chorus of Look Over There, hoping that our voters are too confused to look anywhere else.” From the supposed august body in the Senate, to the folks who have apparently never studied US History or American Civics House of Representatives, to the bribed and owned -o called Supreme Court Justices all Republicans, “We The People,” have witnessed a tsunami of EXPLOITERS and OPPORTUNISTS not only run amuck but try their best to run Democracy out of this nation. These folks are a perfect meal for a NARCISIST to devour.


……..TOTALITARIANISM- In the broadest sense, totalitarianism is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. As I see it there is no middle road in our American politics, and as I see it in this upcoming election one either is for DEMOCRACY, or one becomes a self-serving victim of TOTALITARIANISM!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Collector

 Romney thinks Trump is horrible. Here, he has been held accountable for one aspect of his horrifyingness. Three cheers from Romney! Instead of celebrating, Romney’s been wandering onto cable news sets and blustering about how the real problem here is not Trump’s criminality but Biden refusing to tamper in the justice system to let the great orange asshole off the hook. (MSN) Mittens is still a slick , savvy snake oil salesman who loves to pretend that he can be a hypocrite, and no one will actually notice it. He is so fearful of being found out that he pretended he decided not to run for his Senate seat because he had enough of Republican Kowtowing…actually ,I believe he was afraid to take a stand against Trump and lose!

And then Heidi Cruz’s hubby and Raphael Cruz Senior’s son, Teddy, has summoned ZERO backbone or will and has embraced the Authoritarian Ring of Trump, pretending that history is fiction, and has cuddled up to the man who criticized his family, talking about Family values. Don’t forget “Little Marco,” made fodder by TRUMP, insinuating that “Little Marco” is nothing but a sniveling petulant child. Ms. Lindsey must be very worried about almost anything pertaining to her backstory. Add to that Trump's Negro, Ms. Scott, who worried so much about his backstory that he suddenly, wham bam, thank you, ma’am, found himself a sweet little lady and got engaged ( has anyone seen recent photos of Ms. Scott and his fiancé). Then you have JD Vance, the guy who wrote the book ‘Hillbilly Elegy,’ claiming then that self-pride and self-respect are what makes a man a man (of course, except if you are a man of NO morals or values, who values your own political advancement above and beyond anyone else who is not you. Throw in Mitch, the Crypt Keeper McConnell, another hubby who has no intention of standing up for his spouse, who has somehow ignored the intentional slurs regarding Elaine Chao, his wife, and her Chinese Family. One more male Senator who actually had the audacity to write a book titled ‘Manhood, the Americans Virtues America Needs’, as in follow me because I AM MAN! Joshie ran like the “dickens” when the Trump Insurrectionists attacked the Capital; perhaps he even squealed; now, seems to forget his own actions of fear and loathing because, well, because all he desires is to pretend HE-MAN.


We have tbeen old that the US SENATE is an august body, the Upper Chamber, if you will, the folks who have sense and sensibility. I call BULL SHIT, as the actions of the Senators I have mentioned, plus at least 98% of them,only demonstrate that all of them are standing in line for TRUMP to collect their Testicles. 


Trump Couldn’t Stop Gibbering in Front of Nation’s Biggest CEOs. Former President Donald Trump left some of the country’s most powerful CEOs scratching their heads, cringing, or just outright laughing during a private meeting in the nation’s capital on Thursday. (The Daily Beast)


HMMM, American CEOs who have never stopped placing profits over people, a bit dismayed, suddenly regarding TRUMPS' mental acuity.  HMMM, people like Jamie Dimon and Ted Cook are acting in shock and awe as TRUMP rambles, stumbles in speech, and remains as incoherent as ever.  One might think these guys had been living in another universe.


At one point, Trump discussed his plan to bring the corporate tax rate down from 21 percent to 20 percent. “When asked why he chose 20, he said it’s a round number,” “I think that had a number of CEOs shaking their head given that 1 percent of the total tax burden on the country is actually a huge number in terms of what is needed to support the revenue for this country.” (The Daily Beast)


SO AMERICANS, let us regurgitate this bit of shock and awe from some of Americas top CEO Billionaires, shall we. None of them seem to have a shock and awe sentiment as TRUMP, promises revenge on his political enemies. None of them seem to have shock and awe at TRUMPS’s 34 Felonies. None of them seem to have shock and awe regarding his stolen American Top Secrets. None of them seem to have shock and awe regarding his INSURECTION. None of them seem to have shock and awe regarding his litany of lies.


When it comes to these CEO’s finances, suddenly they FEIGN shock and awe. Fuck every single one of these Capitalistic greedy fools. If any of them had an ounce of true regard for Democracy they would have ALREADY made public that they WILL NOT SUPPORT TRUMP.


Oh, and CEO’s a bit of history regarding Authoritarians/Dictators/Fascists, and wanna be “strongmen.” Once they gain forever power, once they have removed any opposition, the next thing history has provided us, is that their intent to TAKE CONTROL OF ALL CORPORATIONS…as in the CORPORATIONS you all receive a hefty and healthy pay package.







Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Morer changed quotes

 How Putin and Kim Stand to Gain From a Rare Visit That’s Troubling the West Leaders to deepen ties in a partnership that worries the U.S., West and China. (The Wall Street Journal)

Trump’s two BFFs are having a BRO Meeting in North Korea; what possibly could go wrong for the rest of the world? Imagine all of you out there who still DO NOT RESIDE IN REALITY; how much worse something as bad as that could be if and when TRUMP is somehow elected to office? Using another ridiculous Republican's words (Bush Jr.),t his could then become THE AXIS OF EVIL!


Jon Stewart Calls Out GOP Hypocrisy on Crime, Guns Coming From Red States. “The balls of these right-wing motherf-ckers talking about how there’s too much gun crime and chaos in our Democratic cities,” said The Daily Show host on Monday’s monologue. (RollingStone)

There is a quote “A fool and his money will soon be separated.” For our current year of Prelude to Anarchy, I believe that quote should be changed to “A fool and his freedom will soon be separated.” The one thing the GOP is really qualified at doing, is to keep their already ignorant, racist, bigoted , unintelligent voters even dumber than shit, by constantly telling them to “Look Over There.” And like the lemmings, most Fascist governments prefer these MAGA idiots who refuse to see with their own eyes, preferring the lies and fiction of Republicans!


17 times Donald Trump said one thing and then denied it. (POLITI-FACT)

And speaking of not being able to see things with their own eyes, this same group of MAGA FASCIST voters and the COWARDLY CLOWNS CADRE of REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS , placing personal gain above the people, are now insisting that what you just heard IS NOT what you just heard. Uh-huh, let me say that again, as in whatever TRUMP says on purpose and as hateful as he can be, was never said, once most of the normal media plays it or quotes it. Always one wanting to have it HIS way, TRUMP loves to sucker punch, but once someone tries to punch back, TRUMP and his Fascist allies cry, “FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS!” Another quote, “SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL DO NO EVIL,” in this year of the Anarchist needs to be changed to DO NOT SEE MY EVIL, NEVER HEAR MY EVIL, BUT JOIN ME IN MY EVIL!”




Monday, June 17, 2024

10 Dead, 73 Injured

 One Weekend in America: Shootings Leave 10 Dead, 73 Injured. At least fourteen mass shootings over the third weekend of June left 10 people dead and at least 73 injured across various U.S. cities, according to the Gun Violence Archive, a website that tracks gun violence incidents nationwide, and a Newsweek analysis.

While there is no universally accepted definition of a "mass shooting," the Gun Violence Archive defines it as an incident where at least four victims are shot, either injured or killed, excluding the shooter. Using this definition, mass shootings took place over Father's Day weekend in Rochester Hills, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; Methuen, Massachusetts; Columbus, Ohio; and several other cities between Friday and Sunday. (Newsweek)


And as this death toll rose and rose, and now on the Monday after this murderous mayhem took the LIVES of innocents, WHERE THE FUCK ARE ALL OF THE SO-CALLED CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST PRO-LIFE ZEALOTS? There is not a single demand that we do ANYTHING to try and control the lives of those who want to possess guns, no outrage that lives will be murdered by those who wish to possess guns, and no quotes from their self-serving Bibles.


Maybe if some zygotes or fetuses had been murdered, the hypocrites of the PRO-LIFE movement would be having an epileptic fit, but then again, maybe the women in whose wombs the zygote and fetus dwell would have been chastised for having the audacity to go out into the public arena.


10 Dead, 73 Injured, all Humans living outside of the womb, lives ruined, lives forever changed, and WHERE THE FUCK IS THE OUTRAGE OF the Republicans who cheered the demise of Roe V Wade. And oh yeah, all of this carnage a week after the Christian Fundamentalist Nationalists of the Supreme Court provided America their middle finger by removing the Bumper Stock Ban.


Now, tell me ho anyone in their right mind and conscience can even consider voting for any Republican!!!




Sunday, June 16, 2024

The future is now

 Witness this preview of TRUMP's AUTOCRACY as we live and breathe in the month of June and the year 2024. Witness NOW, the intent and insincere actions of those who will perform the will of TRUMP as TRUMP demands that all who live in America either follow his orders or become prisoners of a very restrictiveand ruinous regime.

We hear all about TRUMP and his Henchmen’s plans for TRUMPS next term and perhaps eternity terms in office and are told by the Media that the future may be bleak, but. Still, and behold, that future is being demonstrated by a whole slew of current events, which, if left unchecked, will destroy our democracy as we know it.


Gym Jordan, and James Comer have spent their time as Congress People not doing the business of the people, but the DIRECT WILL of their Fuhrer, TRUMP. Insisting that all of the crimes TRUMP has either committed or has been accused of committing, these two Enemies of the State, have decided to project TRUMPS treasonous and criminal behavior upon Joe Biden, as if there is some equal opportunity crime. Alito, Thomas, and the rest of the hand-picked Federalist Society Justices have decided that our Constitution is a worthless piece of paper compared to their version of their Bible. They pretend that somehow the adulterous philanderer TRUMP represents holiness, and in his honor, they have decided that Christianity, their version of Christianity, shall become the law of the land.


Jordan, and Comer and the sick ilk of Republicans in Congress have made every effort to attack the Justice System that does not already adhere to the Fascist machinations of TRUMP and his Ivy League group of Fascists, and they are calling out Judges and District Attorneys who have tried their best to invite the will of the people to thrive.


Hero’s for HEIR TRUMP include the likes of Dictators whose own authoritarianism represents the slimiest and most vile in the world, be it Jung-un to Putin to Viktor Orban, the TRUMP CULT, will abide by the ill will and disregard for freedom, choice, liberty and justice.


We have been warned to fear a future Trump Presidency, but Holy Shit, that future is here right now in our present. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Keepin HIS hate alive

 Trump cognitive decline increasingly difficult to conceal despite setting low bar. (MSNBC) ‘Remarkably meandering’ Trump who ‘could not keep a straight thought’ spooks some CEOs ( Former White House staffer says Trump called for leaker to be executed Trump’s demand that 2020 leaker be punished with death raises questions about retribution if he is re-elected. (The Guardian) Key Donald Trump media allies Fox News host Laura Ingraham and popular right-wing podcaster Steve Bannon are aiming for the former president's Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement to take power and control the government for 50 years. (NEWSWEEK) The dangers of Project 2025, the right-wing blueprint for a second Trump term that threatens to wreak havoc on the Department of Justice, consolidate federal power, and ultimately “take over the legal structures of our nation.” (MSNBC)


I have tried NOT to BLOG about the very existence of TRUMP. I have tried in recent weeks to view all of the many other fractures and fragilities claiming our American conscience. But as much as I have hoped to defray my angst and acid reflux regarding TRUMP, the pain and the deceit, the agony and the harm that has been spread across this nation I love grows and grows and grows.


Trump is on life support held in position of power by some very evil Enemies of the State, who are smart enough to know that keeping the stupid fed on BIGOTRY, BOGUS, and BIAS is all that is necessary for them to embrace hate. Trump, is not Joe Biden old, but the kind of feeble old from which the rot and ruin of living a long life filled with venom has caught up with him and has infected all of his being is next, if Trump becomes President, as in who was next during Hitlers rise to power. No one is safe, and sadly the politicians who lick Trumps ass pretend that somehow because they are acting as his eunuchs now, their testicles, back bone and spines will not become even more severed. The future of America is being planned as we speak, planned by those who have graduated from Ivy League Colleges, from CEO’s who inhale and exhale money, from wannabe Kings and Queens who actually think they will safe from the Sociopath called Trump.


Let’s call out Public Enemy’s of the United States, who seek their own fame and fortune rather than the freedoms for the rest of us. CRUZ, Stephen Miller, BANNON, MURDOCH’S, Laura Ingraham, Little Marco, JD Vance, MS. Lindsey, Crypt Keeper McConnell, Moscow Margie, Gym Jordan, Aileen Cannon, Ginni Thomas, HANNITY, MUSK, SCOTTS( Trumps’ Black Tim, and  the Fraudster Rick),KUSHNER, James Comer, Every CEO who prioritizes GREED over Good, who prefer profits over clean air, the Billionaires who desire to keep the poor, starving and down trodden, the Media who still continues to pretend there are two equal sides to the story, or those who prefer income over democracy. TRUMP is dangerous, but for me the real danger lies within the ill intentions of those who keep his hate alive.



Whose Flag Day was it

 “There are many flags in many lands,

There are flags of ev’ry hue,

But there is no flag in any land,

Like our own red, white and blue.” (There Are Many Flags In Many Lands/Howitt)


Flag Day was June 14, 2024. On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress adopted the "Stars and Stripes" as the original American flag. The same flag was used when the Declaration of Independence was signed to give a flag for the entire country rather than each state having their own. (USA Today)


‘Cats out of the bag’: Justice Alito’s wife threatens revenge against the media for flag scandals. (MSNBC) Kari Lake, the leading Republican candidate for Senate in Arizona, delivered a speech in front of a Confederate flag at a Trump-themed merchandise store in Show Low, Ariz., last week. (NY TIMES) Pride Month flags vandalized near Stonewall National Monument: police A preliminary investigation found an unidentified person had removed and destroyed 160 flags in the area around 8 p.m. Thursday, according to police. (The Advocate) Many in the rabid mob who stormed the US Capitol yesterday came armed with a portable and potent weapon: a flag. There were large election banners, battle colors from the American Civil War, neo-Nazi flare, Christian symbols, and a smattering of national and state flags. Seen as a whole, they serve as a twisted ideological quilt for those who believe that the US election was stolen from incumbent president Donald Trump. (


Perhaps, once upon a time the Stars and Stripes, actually meant Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. BUT THEN, it didn’t. Now in America 2024, where an admitted wannabe Fascist has the support of the Republican Party, the Stars and the Stripes, seem to be the enemy flag. An upside down flag, a Confederate Flag of a sworn enemy, some kind of Jesus Flag, the Nazi Party Flag, all of which state very clearly that we are not equal, we all do not deserve freedoms, and fuck you if you think America is free. And then, of course there is the Gay Pride Flag, which promotes equality, acceptance and difference…BUT THAT FLAG is perceived as the bad guy… SERIOUSLY AMERICA!















Friday, June 14, 2024

Smothering in HYPOCRICY

 A divided Supreme Court on Friday struck down a federal ban on bump stock devices that allow semiautomatic rifles to fire hundreds of bullets a minute, upending one of the few recent efforts by the federal government to address the nation’s epidemic of gun violence. (The Washington Post)

BUT the sanctity of life is this Republican Christian Nationalistic Fascist, priority, just as long as that particular life is identified as an egg and sperm, a zygote, and a fetus. No worries from this Republican Christian Nationalistic Fascist group of Justices, as long as they are being bribed by Donors who love the Gun Lobby and who overlook how people thrive once out of the womb. SOMEHOW, their God thrives when more and more dangerous weapons are used.


GOP Lawmaker Grilled On Why Abortion Was 'Best Choice' For His Girlfriend, But Not Others Colorado's Richard Holtorf, who has voted against abortion rights in office, said he once provided money to a girlfriend amid her own procedure.

A Colorado Republican had a hard time explaining why he said he “respected” his girlfriend’s right to abortion but voted against abortion rights as a state representative. (HUFFPOST)

ONE more Republican Christian Nationalistic Fascist, at the ready to have his God smite the wicked women who happen not to be his WOMAN. This con artist, following the same inane and insane Republican Gospel, seems to know that what is good for his gal ain’t so good for anyone else’s gal. Never do unto others as you will do for yourself!


Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, and other conservative senators are planning to block dozens of new Biden administration appointees from entering office next week in retaliation for "lawfare" being waged against former President Trump. (FOX )

LAWFARE, as in laws made to keep all citizens as equals, laws to remind the American citizen that no one who breaks the law should be above the law. Yet, with those TRUMP FASCIST REPUBLICANS, who insist they are the party of law and order, laws are created for the peasants, and not for their LORD AND SAVIOR, THEIR CHAIRMAN, THEIR FALSE IDOL.  So, be afraid gentle American beings, because Heir TRUMP is already demonstrating his ability to strangle our Justice Department, of course not by dirtying his orange hands, but by directing his spineless, feckless and self-serving minions to remove the blindfold from Lady Justice.


AND ALL OF THIS, EVERY SINGLE DISGUSTING ACT OF TREASON, is brought to us by the smothering and suffocating words REPUBLICAN HYPOCRICY!




Thursday, June 13, 2024


 The Senate is set to vote Thursday afternoon on a legislative package to protect access to IVF, as Democrats make a push around reproductive rights this month — two years after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade — despite near-certain opposition from Republicans.

Republicans demand a Christian nation, they insist upon our Constitution being regulated by their preferred Bible. Not alarmed, females, or the people who love, respect them, than what the fuck are you waiting for. Limits to abortion, even if the life of the woman is at stake. Limiting almost all abortions even if they were caused by Rape or Rape via Incest. Now on the horizon a woman’s right to access contraception. AND SOMEHOW way too many women, and the people who love and respect them and demand equality for women, remain SILENT, seeming ALOOF, almost pretending that making women CHATTEL, or SECOND CLASS CITIZENS, is not looming on the horizon.


And here is a few extra WTFS…the charge against women’s freedoms is being led and motivated by Republican Women! The GOP Gals who have the same power as men are all excited to join in and ban women from being free citizens…even as these same Republican women assume more and more power than men. Think about it, WOMEN, REPUBLICAN WOMEN, have the sheer audacity, the meanest demonstration of hypocrisy, declaring that OTHER WOMEN who are not them must suffer the consequences of a fucked up Christian Nationalistic Fascist attack on Democracy.


WHERE IS A NATIONAL OUTRAGE directed exactly against not only Republicans but REPUBLICAN FEMALE POLITICIANS? 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


  A bit of joy for me today regarding American politics, reading about how the LARGEST, ORANGEST SNOWFLAKE within the bizarro world of MAGA is melting.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! You cursed brat! Look what you've done!! I'm melting, melting. Ohhhhh, what a world, what a world. Who would have thought that some little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness. OHHHHHHH!!! NO!!! I'm going...ohhhhhhh..ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.... (The Wicked Witch of the West)


Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’

The former president said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements. (Vanity Fair)


FINALLY, those well paid Democrat Talking Heads have realized that all it takes is a full bucket of TRUMP BULL SHIT to be poured all over TRUMP and destroy his façade of lies, hypocrisy, fabrications, and snake oil. Use every single phrase and quote and meandering bit of nothingness regurgitated from the gut and bowels of TRUMP that he, TRUMP, has spewed against the world…and use it against TRUMP. 


AND wham bam thank you ma’am, watch as this psychopath, sociopath begins to implode, begins to spin and spin and spin…and finally, HOPEFULLY, like the Wicked Witch of the West….MELT! 







Monday, June 10, 2024

Tired of being so sick and tired

 Rep. Jim Jordan, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has asked Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and another top state prosecutor to testify over Donald Trump’s prosecution. (MSNBC)

I am tired of shrugging my shoulders, exhaling a deep dooming sigh, rolling my eyes, and ending all of those gestures with the comment, “Once again, it is Gym Jordan acting like Gym Jordan. I am tired, so damn fucking tired of saying that here is one more example of HYPOCRICY, one more demonstration of loyalty to Trump rather than loyalty to the Constitution, one more day when Gym Jordan ignores the law and tries his most hateful way to impose his double standards. When do those in the House fight back as vociferously and vicious as this Fascist Gym Jordan?


Justice Alito Caught on Tape Discussing How Battle for America 'Can't Be Compromised' In a new, secret recording, the Supreme Court justice says he “agrees” that the U.S. should return to a place of godliness. (Rolling Stone)

I am tired of having acid reflux any time,, and every time I read about the lawlessness and anti-Constitutionalism committed by Supreme Court Justices, whose lifetime tenure ensures they can behave as an Enemy of the State forever! I am tired, so damn fucking tired of witnessing people like Alito and Thomas as they raise their middle finger to law and order, all the while pontificating and pronouncing their version of American law for anyone who is not them. When will the Democrat Senators stop being so kind and gentle with these American citizens, and become more hardcore in trying to stop them?


V.P. Wannabe Tom Cotton Defends Trump "Rewarding Putin" Donald Trump’s new plan shows where his loyalty really lies. (The New Republic)

I am tired of the angst I feel when idiots like Tom Cotton, a US Senator, places his personal ambitions above and beyond the hope and heart of Democracies around the world. I am tired of feeling sickened, by people like Cotton, whose definition of Patriotism, comes down to, “Whatever is good me, will be good for America. Once more I wait and wonder, when, WHEN will the Democrats in the Senate, call this Enemy of State out as one more wanna-be Fascist!


BUT WHAT I AM REALLY SICK OF…is feeling that there is nothing within my power to stop this right in our face madness!



Sunday, June 9, 2024

In front of our faces

 ‘An absolute betrayal’: Rep. Raskin slams Republicans for aiding Trump’s plans for retribution. New reporting about how Trump could weaponize U.S. spy services against domestic political enemies if he wins a second term is fueling new concerns about Trump abusing the government for self-serving purposes. (MSNBC)


עס איז רעכט אין פראָנט פון דיין פּנים אָבער איר קלייַבן צו איגנאָרירן עסווער איז דער נאַר? It is right in front of your face, yet you choose to ignore it! This was a common phrase used by my Grandma Braff back in the day when our nuclear family included dozens of dozens of first and second cousins.  My Grandma Braff was usually considered the last word, the final word, on placing guilt, on proclaiming what is right and what is wrong, and KNOWING how one should live their life! OY!  Whenever Yiddish was necessary to speak, my siblings and I understood,  that some kind of lesson was about to be taught, someone must have done something very bad, OR someone was VERY, VERY, VERY stupid words, their deeds, or their intent.


Here I am living in the year 2024, and as I live and breathe I witness some very stupid people, ignoring facts and evidence, deciding instead that ignorance must be bliss, and that they should place their own personal bias’s and selfishness above the future of this nation, and the futures for their next, and next generations!


TRUMP and his “kiss ass,” “I want power, lots of it,” “fuck democracy and replace it with Authoritarianism,” “it may not be good for you, but it is GREAT for me,” enablers have provided America, and its American citizens, with previews of just how DYSTOPIAN AND FASCIST, they desire our nation to become. No more lies, no more deceit, now, just an open book of JUST IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES, of TOTALARISIUM  the United States will become.


In their desire to believe that if they are a part of the plan to destroy Democracy, they remain in power, a whole hell of a lot of REPUBLICANS, have provided their MIDDLE FINGER, to the majority of Americans. And sadly the African American, the Female, the LGB Community, the Jewish Community Republicans, who refuse to admit that TRUMP and his Red Hat, Brown Shirt, White Robbed, thugs are Racists, Misogynists, Homophobes, and Anti-Semites, are enabling this wanna-be Dictator to succeed in blowing up our Constitution our freedom, our choices and our equalities.


It is right in front of your face, yet you choose to ignore it! And Grandma Braff, I will add to your infamous quote, and sadly you place your selfishness above and beyond the welfare of others!




Saturday, June 8, 2024

80 years and 2 days later

 On 6 June 1944, D-Day, Allied troops landed on the coast of Normandy. It was the start of the campaign to liberate Europe and defeat Germany. (

Many argue the “D” in D-Day stands for “departed,” “disembarkation,” “decision” and “death,” according to the museum. However, another explanation is that the “D” stands for “day,” according to the U.S. Department of Defense, specifically “the day on which a combat attack or operation is to be launched.” (The Hill)


Today is June 8, 2024, exactly, 80 years and 2 days since, the Allies landed in Normandy, because the cost of doing nothing would have greater consequences than the cost of defending Democracy! For many it was our great grandparents, our grandparents and parents, who said Democracy is the only form of government to heed our call for equality, freedoms, choices, and chance. 


Here we are 80 years and 2 days later and WE THE PEOPLE, watch the headlines:

'Georgia Is Our Laboratory': Inside Trump's Plan to Rig 2024 Team Trump sees Georgia as ‘a road map’ for putting Trump’s heads-I-win-tails-you-lose philosophy of elections into practice. (Rolling Stone) ‘They have no options’: Texas court dims hope of timely abortion care for high-risk patients. ( The Guardian) Russian politician Dmitry Medvedev, an ally to Russian President Vladimir Putin, vowed on Saturday to be "more ruthless and deadly" to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) supporting Ukraine in its fight against Moscow's invasion. (Newsweek) Conservative editorial magazine National Review is facing backlash online for selling flags honoring embattled Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. (Newsweek)


It is as if the death the honor, the purpose of D-Day means and meant nothing. As WE THE PEOPLE face this November, of 2024 some 80 years and 5 months later, WE THE PEOPLE, can absolutely forget the efforts made to keep Democracy alive, or WE THE PEOPLE, can once again defeat the TYRANNY, TREASON and TREACHORY of the FASCIST. WE THE PEOPLE , are still able to choose, because of the sacrifices made 80 years and 2 day ago!



Thursday, June 6, 2024

Look Over There, again

 White House intervenes as Biden accused of mental decline. Administration pressures Democrats to emphasise the president’s advantages amid claims he forgets policies, is reliant on notes and appears to fall asleep in public. (The Times. The Sunday Times) 

The American  Media once again is assisting the Right Wing Propagandists to support intentional misinformation regarding Presidential politics. Even George Bush Junior was smart enough to use the quote. “Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” 


The same lying bag of shits, funded mostly by Right-Wing Christian American Nationalist Fascists, and their Band of Billionaire Brothers and Sisters, who used “But her emails,” and “lock her up,” are at it again using their ART OF PERFECTION successfully once again. And in my opinion having lived through the Trump Propaganda machine and its army of Russian Bots, Anti-Democracy, Enemies of the State, their folly and fiction is being lapped up by so called main stream Media, once again. 


Look at TRUMP, listen to TRUMP, witness TRUMP, and clearly all you see is an individual in DIRE COGNATIVE DECLINE. Rambling in speech, disassociating real life between his fantasies, delusional, sometimes actually freezing up…MENTAL DECLINE seems to be the headline printed on his Orange Dyed Face. So, as always his cadre of Red Hats, White Robes, and Brown Shirts become frightened that this journey into senility might actually be too noticeable to ignore, so what to they do…they play the game they are oh so successful with…LOOK OVER THERE, as in LOOK OVER AT JOE BIDEN.


TRUMP is master very little, but he and his team of treasonists are EXCEPTIONAL at the art of projection, and even more successful in convincing way too many main stream media outlets to be lulled into creating fictional headlines. Who is crazier, the crazy people behind TRUMP, or the crazies who refuse to learn lessons from their past!



Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Coming out and pride

 “Coming out!” Coming out from what, from where? Seriously, I was born with brown eyes, having a bit of brown hair on my tiny head, my skin tone was, of a pale flesh, and I had the human X chromosome with Xq28 (green) located at the tip of the long arm of the chromosome. Studies of the X chromosome as well as the entire human genome have linked Xq28 to the heredity of homosexuality in human males. So, if I was coming out from anywhere, I suppose I was coming out of my mother’s womb as someone who along with a myriad of physical items, happened to be Gay.

“Coming out!” Maybe coming to terms with my real identity, perhaps coming to accept myself, appreciate myself, inspect myself, and of course RESPECT myself. I never placed myself in any strange place, rather, the society around me placed me in some strange location called the CLOSET, and naively, innocently, I thought not exiting this closet fully dressed in my own SELF-ESTEEM because somehow, everyone else seemed to know me better than I knew myself, made sense.


I have been a homosexual for 74 years. Some folks have been heterosexual for 74 years.  I am right-handed, except when I use scissors, I ; I have difficulty reading anything closeup without my glasses, I have a semi-hairy body, my middle fingers on both of my hands are longer than the rest of my fingers, and I am not flat-ed. Some 74-year-old heterosexuals and some 74 homosexuals are the same as me, and some are not.  I can love, I can like, I can hate, I can feel, some heterosexuals are unable to express one or any of those emotions as are some homosexuals.  


June is considered Pride Month, stemming I a, I am told, from the riots at the Stonewall InnNew York City.  I had to learn how to be proud aboof myself throughout my life anytime I permitted someone to make me feel likee victim. For all of those humans who are still bullied by their families, their neighbors, their clergy, their Government officials, I hope that they can find some hope in knowing that many of us are trying to acknowledge their worth.


“Coming out!” Does that phrase make those who think they had veothing to come out from more satisfied or safe?


Happy Pride, Be Proud, Remain Proud!