Friday, August 30, 2024



 A LEECH: a person who clings to another for personal gain, especially without giving anything in return, and usually with the implication or effect of exhausting the other's resources; parasite.


Nancy Mace (R.SC Rep District #1) is not a household name for many Americans. Nonetheless, she is one more current Republican who should be listed on the long SPREADSHEET of Republican Enemies of the State. I find her to be just one parasite, or leech, willing to place anyone or anything on the chopping block to justify her DESIRE, NEED for power, power, power.


During an interview on Tuesday, Real America's Voice host Charlie Kirk asked Mace how Trump would attract women voters after Vice President Kamala Harris became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

Nancy Mace: Trump is 'the best thing we can do' for 'female empowerment' Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) argued that electing Donald Trump — the man largely responsible for stripping federal abortion rights from women — was "the best thing we can do" for "female empowerment." (msn)


AS A REMINDER! Despite Donald Trump's recent claims that he'd be "great for women" if reelected, his actions speak otherwise. From the Access Hollywood tape to his lies about all Americans supporting the overturn of Roe v. Wade to being found liable for sexual abuse, Trump has proven this again and again. The post featured an old photo of Vice President Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton together. Beneath it, the comment read: "Funny how blowjobs impacted both their careers differently..." (BUZZ FEED)


It is so sadly fucked up how any individual will play politics with the lives, freedoms, and rights of any demographic just to serve his or her desires and needs. It is way beyond PATHETIC, at least for me, when one woman acts as a Misogynist, ignoring facts and actions so she can somehow gain some perceived political advantage.


But then Nancy Mace comes from South Carolina, where an African American Senator swears Trump is not a Racist, where the Governor, a female, swore up and down that she could not support Trump, then out of the blue changed her mind. STRANGE state!