Monday, August 26, 2024



ELYSIUM-In the year 2154, the very wealthy live on a man-made space station while the rest of the population resides on a ruined Earth. A man takes on a mission that could bring equality to the polarized worlds.


More Americans died from heat in 2023 than any year in over two decades of records, according to the findings published Monday. Last year was also the globe's hottest year on record, the latest grim milestone in a warming trend fueled by climate change. (USA Today)


Coal Baron a No-Show in Alabama Courtroom as Abandoned Plant Continues to Pollute Neighborhoods. (Inside Climate News)


The Hole in the Map of the World

On the surface, there’s nothing unusual about it. Just a spot of ocean. But beneath the waves lurks something incredible: a massive waterfall. And in its mysterious depths, the fate of the world churns. (WIRED)


We need to make polluters pay — but not consumers. (The Hill)


I love any novel or movie within the science fiction genre. For me, the authors of those novels or screenplays are in their own realm of genius and honest enough to beg the question, “WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH?”  ELYSIUM takes place in the future, 1984 tried to predict the future…both are a slight example of the present. Governments, owned and operated by the wealthy, planet no place for a real people. One must wonder, do the billionaires have a plan to desert Earth, or are they just so arrogant as to think everyone else will suffer and they will not?