Friday, August 2, 2024

Turn turn turning

 To everything - turn, turn, turn

There is a season - turn, turn, turn

And a time to every purpose under heaven. (“Turn, Turn, Turn,”/Pete Seeger)


"So, You're Fluid?": Fox News Interview With Trump Goes off the Rails

Fox News’s Laura Ingraham and Donald Trump had a bizarre conversation on pronouns.

Donald Trump’s interview with Fox News’s Laura Ingraham Tuesday veered into a bizarre exchange on gender pronouns, in a moment that’s now making the rounds online.

“Kamala Harris, in her Twitter bio, which I’ve never noticed until this morning, states her pronouns as she/her,” Ingraham said. “What are your pronouns?”

“I have no—I don’t want pronouns,” the former president replied. “I don’t want pronouns, I saw that.” (The New Republic)


The former chairman of the Republican National Committee turned never-Trumper told Fox News’ Jesse Watters that, “Come November, call me Michelle!”

Steele reacted to a riff Watters went on over the air where he told viewers that men who vote for a Democrat or a woman essentially want to transition into a woman. (


So, the Republican Fascists are now certain that men voting for women for president will TURN them into women. The same MAGA Fascists are darned certain that gays can TURN kids, and even some adults, into Homosexuals, by some kind of Queer Magic, or is it Queer Voodoo? These same Christian Nationalist Crusaders against Democracy will make it their business to not let those damned doctors provide Gender Affirming Care to children who know their own bodies, their own minds.


And now, of course, we have one insidious, senile, incoherent guy explaining to a Black Group of Journalists that Kamala Harris has TURNED herself into a Black Woman.