Saturday, August 31, 2024


 Saturday, one day in the life of America, one more WTF day, when any one of us takes a brief moment from the madness that is America 2024. I so want not to be pissed off regarding the obvious, but WTF sometimes people are so oblivious towards the obvious!

Perhaps explaining that Kamala Harris is both a woman and a woman of color made sense way back when for the folks who suffer from blindness. Kamala has been VP for almost four years, and wham bam, thank you, Ma’am, fucking Media, she has not stopped being a female and woman of color. So WHY THE FUCK must you always preface any report regarding her as a FEMALE and a WOMAN of COLOR. Seriously, have you no introspective abilities? MEDIA, by consistently identifying Kamala as such, you are helping the Right Wings alienate Kamala as different. Different from what MEDIA?


The Right-Wing Fascists survive and thrive whenever they can act the bully, finding a scapegoat by hinting, using innuendo, and many times just shouting that somehow, if a person is not Caucasian, an Evangelical Christian Nationalist, or leaning toward Fascist ideology, they are BAD. As I see it, MEDIA, whenever you insist on pointing out the OBVIOUS regarding Kamala, you are playing into the hands of the MAGA! Have you not learned anything MEDIA from your blunders during the first TRUMP running for office, that playing their fool is precisely what they desire?