Saturday, August 3, 2024


 It ain’t the economy because it is growing. It ain’t unemployment because that rate has fallen. It ain’t inflation because enough greed has been gained by Corporations for now. So it has to be another ploy by the Republican Fascists in their book of “LOOK OVER THERE!’ 

This claim has been made for decades, often to oppose parenting by LGBTQ+ people. Today it is a pillar of Project 2025. Under the heading “The Family Agenda,” the presidential transition blueprint declares: “Married men and women are the ideal natural family structure because all children have a right to be raised by the men and women who conceived them.” In other words, children should be raised by their biological parents—not by stepparents, adoptive parents, or parents who conceived with donor sperm or egg. (Slate)


JD (whatever the fuck his name is this iteration of his life), a man who exemplifies the hypocrisy of Republican Fascism, has decided that he is the God of Family Values. In his role as Supreme Leader of Family Values, JD WHATEVER believes that abusive spouses should remain in the family and be permitted to be abusive. JD WHO AM I NOW, thinks that when a biological dad, like Trump, makes statements (that if Ivanka were not his daughter, he would date her), that is okay, okay, because he IS her biological dad! His list of absolute Christian Nationalism Project 2025 bullshit goes on and on and on.


Family Values might beg the question, I suppose, in JD’s (guess who I am this time) world that if biological Daddy Rapes biological daughter, then the child of that incest should be raised by Grandpa Daddy and Daughter!