Sunday, August 18, 2024

Cannot be silent

 I am a person living within two demographics, both considered a minority of the population in the United States. I am an American who was born a homosexual, and I am an American who was born into a family that practiced and believed in the tenets of Judaism. One was nature, the other was nurture, and both are pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, which IS MY LIFE!


I have had to learn to love myself as a man who happened to be considered Gay, which I have done over the myriads of years of my life, and I also had to defend, too often, my religious belief, which way too many others tried to criticize as wrong and Un-American. These were my battles, and I have many scars to showcase that fight, but here I remain who I was born as and how I choose to believe, religiously.


So, when I read about how some Jewish people or LGBTQ people pretend that either being Jewish or being non-Heterosexual matters less than how much money they have, I am PISSED OFF, ANGRY, AND CANNOT REMAIN QUIET.


Be it the Log Cabin Republicans, an LGB group of wealthy Gays, folks like Peter Theil, or members of AIPAC, the American, Israeli Political Action Group, in the guise of Miriam Adelson, who vigorously support Republicans like Donald Trump, ignoring his and his MAGA Anti-Semitism or Homophobia in America theories and practices, I CANNOT be quiet, I CANNOT silent.


Do these people and these groups actually think that having lots of money makes you as a Jew better than the rest of the Jews? Do these people and these groups make you believe that your Queerness is different than other LGBTQ Americans?


Because I am not a Person of Color, I CANNOT, from personal experience, rant about the hypocrisy of being a person of color and supporting a Bigot and Racist like Trump, but I must wonder if those demographics think somehow supporting him makes them different from others like them?