Sunday, August 25, 2024


 Did Uncommitted Get More Than It Was Asking For? (Rolling Stone) 

There are OH SO MANY HEADLINES that, when read by me, cause angina, angst, and outrage. I feel obligated to read various media outlets and find at least one or two common subjects on which there is agreement, hoping that what they have in common is COMMON SENSE.


I am not naïve. I have learned that the truth is no longer a given and that facts only matter if anyone listening to them thinks they matter! I will not read the latest polls (by the way, I have never, ever been polled, and most to many of the people I know have never been polled either), believing that the PR departments of each and every Media Outlet would instead make up the news than present the news.


But let’s say there are actually some Americans out there in the Land of Polling, and I must BEG the following QUESTIONS toward them.


Being uncommitted, does that mean you have no problem in electing a person who espouses Autocracy versus Democracy? Being uncommitted, does that mean you have zero problem with a Felon running this nation versus a person with no criminal record? Being uncommitted, does that mean you believe a person who says there are good people, as in Neo Nazis on both sides, versus a person who understands any side a Neo stands is wrong for this nation? Being uncommitted, does that mean you have no problem with a person who will cut the taxes on the wealthiest and provide Corporations with even more tax benefits than a person who knows that Trickle Down is Capitalistic Bull Shit? Being uncommitted, does that mean you can accept the fact that women will have no control regarding their reproductive parts, will have to die if their pregnancy is at risk, and that women are only necessary to be impregnated? 


Hmmm. THE UNCOMMITTED, how, why, and what the fuck!