Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 Never too much JD (whatever the fuck his name is), when it comes to WEIRD, Scary, and almost hallucinogenic. 


J.D. Vance has written a blurb for a new book by a right-wing conspiracy theorist who categorizes the Left as “unhumans.”

Jack Posobiec is best known for spreading the Pizzagate conspiracy that falsely connected Hillary Clinton and Democratic leaders to concocted claims that a human trafficking and child sex ring was being run out of a pizza restaurant in Washington D.C.

His new book, Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them)’ suggests that communists and modern-day progressives are so anti civilization that they are not people, but, as Posobiec calls them, “unhumans.” (The Daily Beast)


Just a few comments:

Does JD know that his Sugar Daddy’s best buds are two infamous Communist leaders, or is the word I am looking for DICTATORS? Putin is from the days of the KGB, as in the Communist Party’s Private Army, to eliminate any and all freedoms for the people who they decided needed no freedoms. Does JD understand that North Korea was founded and funded as a Communist Authoritarianist state and has been led by one family, the un-Jungs, as the Communist version of Royalty?


Does JD know the true definition of UNHUMAN defines almost every aspect of his political life. Having women as Chattel, demonizing Trans People and Homosexuals, chastising those who choose not to have children or even marry.


And the very worst thing JD apparently does not know is the mere fact that if he continues being weirder than Trump, gaining more WEIRDER attention than Trump, that JD’s own future does not bode well