Saturday, August 24, 2024

Even more WEIRD

 The cowards who DEFINE exactly what the meaning of MAGA is all about. 

The right-wing provocateur targeted the neurodiverse 17-year-old for getting to his feet and clapping his dad, Tim Walz, through tears. However, she appeared to quickly delete the post after social media erupted with anger. (In case you missed it, we screenshotted it. (Daily Beast)


Annie, the JD Vance defined Cat Lady, was confident that to re-attain her 15 minutes of fame, she could impugn shame on Gus Walz. This oxygen-deprived blast from the past used her typical cesspool of sarcasm, thinking that she was making a comeback, that once again, being crass a shit, would make a hit. But, like most MAGA cowards, she retreated when the real world said, enough is enough.


As my Grandma Braff would say, Oy Gevalt!

Trump Slams ‘Overrated Jewish Governor’ in Unhinged Rant Josh Shapiro fired back at the former president on Thursday, saying its clear he’s “obsessed” with him and can’t help but continue to “spew hate and division in our politics.” (Daily Beast)

So the guy who dines with American Neo Nazis, the guy who is obsessed with telling everyone he knows good Jews from bad Jews, the guy whose best friends are Oath Keepers, and American Christian Nationalists, the guy who adores the Heritage Foundation, is now obsessing about a Jewish Governor. Hey Miriam Adelson, you are spending millions of dollars to support one of the best Anti-Semites…Oy Gevalt!


The Twilight Zone revisited.

GOP strategist cautions Trump on joining forces with RFK Jr: 'He’s kind of a looney tune' (The Hill)

GOP strategists call RFK Jr a looney toon, seriously, dudes and dud-ettes. Have you not been living in the year 2024? Loony tune, as in bat shit crazy, loony tune as in lie upon lie, upon lie. Loony tune is incoherent, rambling, and cognitively declining! You over paid Enemies of the State, full of greed and self-ambition, suddenly use the phrase loony tunes to describe someone else rather than TRUMP, Holy Shit